BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 86a6d4d8 by Phil Hughes

Fixed bug when dragging to done list

parent 19afb1e7
......@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
moveCardToList (listFromId, listToId, issueId) {
const listFrom = this.findList('id', listFromId),
listTo = this.findList('id', listToId),
const listFrom = this.findList('id', listFromId, false),
listTo = this.findList('id', listToId, false),
issueTo = listTo.findIssue(issueId),
issue = listFrom.findIssue(issueId),
issueLists = issue.getLists(),
......@@ -125,7 +125,9 @@
findList (key, val, type = 'label') {
return this.state.lists.filter((list) => {
return list[key] === val && list['type'] === type;
const byType = type ? list['type'] === type : true;
return list[key] === val && byType;
updateFiltersUrl () {
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