BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 7e17f9bc by Tim Zallmann

Merge branch '35224-transform-user-profile-javascript-into-async-bundle' into 'master'

Resolve "Transform user profile javascript into async bundle" Closes #35224 See merge request !12929
parents b5aac468 288e8ea1
......@@ -538,6 +538,13 @@ import GpgBadges from './gpg_badges';
case 'protected_branches':
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsNavigation();
case 'users':
const action = path[1];
import(/* webpackChunkName: 'user_profile' */ './users')
.then(user => user.default(action))
.catch(() => {});
// If we haven't installed a custom shortcut handler, install the default one
if (!shortcut_handler) {
import ActivityCalendar from './activity_calendar';
import User from './user';
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
import UserTabs from './user_tabs';
// use legacy exports until embedded javascript is refactored
window.Calendar = ActivityCalendar; = || {}; = User;
export default function initUserProfile(action) {
// place profile avatars to top
placement: 'top',
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new UserTabs({ parentEl: '.user-profile', action });
// hide project limit message
$('.hide-project-limit-message').on('click', (e) => {
Cookies.set('hide_project_limit_message', 'false');
/* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
import UserTabs from './user_tabs';
export default class User {
constructor({ action }) {
this.action = action;
placeProfileAvatarsToTop() {
placement: 'top',
initTabs() {
return new UserTabs({
parentEl: '.user-profile',
action: this.action,
hideProjectLimitMessage() {
$('.hide-project-limit-message').on('click', (e) => {
Cookies.set('hide_project_limit_message', 'false');
/* eslint-disable max-len, space-before-function-paren, no-underscore-dangle, consistent-return, comma-dangle, no-unused-vars, dot-notation, no-new, no-return-assign, camelcase, no-param-reassign, class-methods-use-this */
Handles persisting and restoring the current tab selection and lazily-loading
content on the Users#show page.
### Example Markup
<ul class="nav-links">
<li class="activity-tab active">
<a data-action="activity" data-target="#activity" data-toggle="tab" href="/u/username">
<li class="groups-tab">
<a data-action="groups" data-target="#groups" data-toggle="tab" href="/u/username/groups">
<li class="contributed-tab">
<a data-action="contributed" data-target="#contributed" data-toggle="tab" href="/u/username/contributed">
Contributed projects
<li class="projects-tab">
<a data-action="projects" data-target="#projects" data-toggle="tab" href="/u/username/projects">
Personal projects
<li class="snippets-tab">
<a data-action="snippets" data-target="#snippets" data-toggle="tab" href="/u/username/snippets">
<div class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane" id="activity">
Activity Content
<div class="tab-pane" id="groups">
Groups Content
<div class="tab-pane" id="contributed">
Contributed projects content
<div class="tab-pane" id="projects">
Projects content
<div class="tab-pane" id="snippets">
Snippets content
import ActivityCalendar from './activity_calendar';
* UserTabs
* Handles persisting and restoring the current tab selection and lazily-loading
* content on the Users#show page.
* ### Example Markup
* <ul class="nav-links">
* <li class="activity-tab active">
* <a data-action="activity" data-target="#activity" data-toggle="tab" href="/u/username">
* Activity
* </a>
* </li>
* <li class="groups-tab">
* <a data-action="groups" data-target="#groups" data-toggle="tab" href="/u/username/groups">
* Groups
* </a>
* </li>
* <li class="contributed-tab">
* ...
* </li>
* <li class="projects-tab">
* ...
* </li>
* <li class="snippets-tab">
* ...
* </li>
* </ul>
* <div class="tab-content">
* <div class="tab-pane" id="activity">
* Activity Content
* </div>
* <div class="tab-pane" id="groups">
* Groups Content
* </div>
* <div class="tab-pane" id="contributed">
* Contributed projects content
* </div>
* <div class="tab-pane" id="projects">
* Projects content
* </div>
* <div class="tab-pane" id="snippets">
* Snippets content
* </div>
* </div>
* <div class="loading-status">
* <div class="loading">
* Loading Animation
* </div>
* </div>
<div class="clearfix calendar">
<div class="js-contrib-calendar"></div>
<div class="calendar-hint">
Summary of issues, merge requests, push events, and comments
<div class="loading-status">
<div class="loading">
Loading Animation
export default class UserTabs {
constructor ({ defaultAction, action, parentEl }) {
constructor({ defaultAction, action, parentEl }) {
this.loaded = {};
this.defaultAction = defaultAction || 'activity';
this.action = action || this.defaultAction;
this.$parentEl = $(parentEl) || $(document);
this._location = window.location;
this.windowLocation = window.location;
this.$parentEl.find('.nav-links a')
.each((i, navLink) => {
this.loaded[$(navLink).attr('data-action')] = false;
......@@ -82,12 +86,10 @@ export default class UserTabs {
bindEvents() {
this.changeProjectsPageWrapper = this.changeProjectsPage.bind(this);
this.$'', '.nav-links a[data-toggle="tab"]')
.on('', '.nav-links a[data-toggle="tab"]', event => this.tabShown(event));
this.$parentEl.on('click', '.gl-pagination a', this.changeProjectsPageWrapper);
.off('', '.nav-links a[data-toggle="tab"]')
.on('', '.nav-links a[data-toggle="tab"]', event => this.tabShown(event))
.on('click', '.gl-pagination a', event => this.changeProjectsPage(event));
changeProjectsPage(e) {
......@@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ export default class UserTabs {
const loadableActions = ['groups', 'contributed', 'projects', 'snippets'];
if (loadableActions.indexOf(action) > -1) {
return this.loadTab(action, endpoint);
this.loadTab(action, endpoint);
......@@ -131,25 +133,38 @@ export default class UserTabs {
beforeSend: () => this.toggleLoading(true),
complete: () => this.toggleLoading(false),
dataType: 'json',
type: 'GET',
url: endpoint,
success: (data) => {
const tabSelector = `div#${action}`;
this.loaded[action] = true;
return gl.utils.localTimeAgo($('.js-timeago', tabSelector));
gl.utils.localTimeAgo($('.js-timeago', tabSelector));
loadActivities() {
if (this.loaded['activity']) {
if (this.loaded.activity) {
const $calendarWrap = this.$parentEl.find('.user-calendar');
const calendarPath = $'calendarPath');
const calendarActivitiesPath = $'calendarActivitiesPath');
dataType: 'json',
url: calendarPath,
success: (activityData) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new ActivityCalendar('.js-contrib-calendar', activityData, calendarActivitiesPath);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new gl.Activities();
return this.loaded['activity'] = true;
this.loaded.activity = true;
toggleLoading(status) {
......@@ -158,13 +173,13 @@ export default class UserTabs {
setCurrentAction(source) {
let new_state = source;
new_state = new_state.replace(/\/+$/, '');
new_state += + this._location.hash;
let newState = source;
newState = newState.replace(/\/+$/, '');
newState += + this.windowLocation.hash;
url: new_state
}, document.title, new_state);
return new_state;
url: newState,
}, document.title, newState);
return newState;
getCurrentAction() {
......@@ -73,10 +73,7 @@ class UsersController < ApplicationController
def calendar
calendar = contributions_calendar
@activity_dates = calendar.activity_dates
render 'calendar', layout: false
render json: contributions_calendar.activity_dates
def calendar_activities
Summary of issues, merge requests, push events, and comments
new Calendar(
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
- @hide_breadcrumbs = true
- page_title
- page_description
- content_for :page_specific_javascripts do
= page_specific_javascript_bundle_tag('common_d3')
= page_specific_javascript_bundle_tag('users')
- header_title, user_path(@user)
- @no_container = true
......@@ -107,7 +104,7 @@
.user-calendar{ data: { href: user_calendar_path } }
.user-calendar{ data: { calendar_path: user_calendar_path(@user, :json), calendar_activities_path: user_calendar_activities_path } }
......@@ -131,10 +128,3 @@
= spinner
var userProfile;
userProfile = new gl.User({
action: "#{controller.action_name}"
......@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ var config = {
stl_viewer: './blob/stl_viewer.js',
terminal: './terminal/terminal_bundle.js',
u2f: ['vendor/u2f'],
users: './users/index.js',
raven: './raven/index.js',
vue_merge_request_widget: './vue_merge_request_widget/index.js',
test: './test.js',
......@@ -185,7 +184,6 @@ var config = {
name: 'common_d3',
chunks: [
......@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ describe UsersController do
it 'renders calendar' do
get :calendar, username: user.username
get :calendar, username: user.username, format: :json
expect(response).to render_template('calendar')
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
context 'forked project' do
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