BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 7e01ed86 by Michael Kozono

Resolve conflicts in namespace_spec.rb

I copied the whole `#move_dir` spec from master and flipped project factory traits `:hashed` and `:legacy_storage` to match the 10.5 branch (since in that branch, legacy storage is default, but in master, hashed is default).
parent 9015d9ff
......@@ -168,61 +168,47 @@ describe Namespace do
describe '#move_dir', :request_store do
let(:namespace) { create(:namespace) }
let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, namespace: namespace) }
shared_examples "namespace restrictions" do
context "when any project has container images" do
let(:container_repository) { create(:container_repository) }
it "raises error when directory exists" do
expect { namespace.move_dir }.to raise_error("namespace directory cannot be moved")
before do
stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true)
stub_container_registry_tags(repository: :any, tags: ['tag'])
it "moves dir if path changed" do
namespace.update_attributes(path: namespace.full_path + '_new')
create(:project, :hashed, namespace: namespace, container_repositories: [container_repository])
expect(gitlab_shell.exists?(project.repository_storage_path, "#{namespace.path}/#{project.path}.git")).to be_truthy
allow(namespace).to receive(:path_was).and_return(namespace.path)
allow(namespace).to receive(:path).and_return('new_path')
context "when any project has container images" do
let(:container_repository) { create(:container_repository) }
it 'raises an error about not movable project' do
expect { namespace.move_dir }.to raise_error(/Namespace cannot be moved/)
before do
stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true)
stub_container_registry_tags(repository: :any, tags: ['tag'])
context 'legacy storage' do
let(:namespace) { create(:namespace) }
let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, namespace: namespace) }
create(:project, namespace: namespace, container_repositories: [container_repository])
it_behaves_like 'namespace restrictions'
allow(namespace).to receive(:path_was).and_return(namespace.path)
allow(namespace).to receive(:path).and_return('new_path')
it "raises error when directory exists" do
expect { namespace.move_dir }.to raise_error("namespace directory cannot be moved")
<<<<<<< HEAD
it 'raises an error about not movable project' do
expect { namespace.move_dir }.to raise_error(/Namespace cannot be moved/)
||||||| parent of 3fab8dac18... Merge branch 'mk/fix-move-upload-files-on-group-transfer' into 'master'
context 'with subgroups' do
let(:parent) { create(:group, name: 'parent', path: 'parent') }
let(:child) { create(:group, name: 'child', path: 'child', parent: parent) }
let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, :legacy_storage, path: 'the-project', namespace: child, skip_disk_validation: true) }
let(:uploads_dir) { FileUploader.root }
let(:pages_dir) { File.join(TestEnv.pages_path) }
it "moves dir if path changed" do
namespace.update_attributes(path: namespace.full_path + '_new')
before do
FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(uploads_dir, project.full_path))
FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(pages_dir, project.full_path))
expect(gitlab_shell.exists?(project.repository_storage_path, "#{namespace.path}/#{project.path}.git")).to be_truthy
context 'renaming child' do
it 'correctly moves the repository, uploads and pages' do
expected_repository_path = File.join(TestEnv.repos_path, 'parent', 'renamed', 'the-project.git')
expected_upload_path = File.join(uploads_dir, 'parent', 'renamed', 'the-project')
expected_pages_path = File.join(pages_dir, 'parent', 'renamed', 'the-project')
context 'with subgroups', :nested_groups do
let(:parent) { create(:group, name: 'parent', path: 'parent') }
let(:new_parent) { create(:group, name: 'new_parent', path: 'new_parent') }
let(:child) { create(:group, name: 'child', path: 'child', parent: parent) }
let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, :legacy_storage, path: 'the-project', namespace: child, skip_disk_validation: true) }
let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, path: 'the-project', namespace: child, skip_disk_validation: true) }
let(:uploads_dir) { FileUploader.root }
let(:pages_dir) { File.join(TestEnv.pages_path) }
......@@ -245,47 +231,11 @@ describe Namespace do
context 'renaming child' do
it 'correctly moves the repository, uploads and pages' do
child.update!(path: 'renamed')
>>>>>>> 3fab8dac18... Merge branch 'mk/fix-move-upload-files-on-group-transfer' into 'master'
<<<<<<< HEAD
context 'with subgroups' do
let(:parent) { create(:group, name: 'parent', path: 'parent') }
let(:child) { create(:group, name: 'child', path: 'child', parent: parent) }
let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, path: 'the-project', namespace: child, skip_disk_validation: true) }
let(:uploads_dir) { FileUploader.root }
let(:pages_dir) { File.join(TestEnv.pages_path) }
before do
FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(uploads_dir, 'parent', 'child', 'the-project'))
FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(pages_dir, 'parent', 'child', 'the-project'))
||||||| parent of 3fab8dac18... Merge branch 'mk/fix-move-upload-files-on-group-transfer' into 'master'
child.update_attributes!(path: 'renamed')
expect( be(true)
expect( be(true)
expect( be(true)
>>>>>>> 3fab8dac18... Merge branch 'mk/fix-move-upload-files-on-group-transfer' into 'master'
<<<<<<< HEAD
context 'renaming child' do
it 'correctly moves the repository, uploads and pages' do
expected_repository_path = File.join(TestEnv.repos_path, 'parent', 'renamed', 'the-project.git')
expected_upload_path = File.join(uploads_dir, 'parent', 'renamed', 'the-project')
expected_pages_path = File.join(pages_dir, 'parent', 'renamed', 'the-project')
||||||| parent of 3fab8dac18... Merge branch 'mk/fix-move-upload-files-on-group-transfer' into 'master'
context 'renaming parent' do
it 'correctly moves the repository, uploads and pages' do
expected_repository_path = File.join(TestEnv.repos_path, 'renamed', 'child', 'the-project.git')
expected_upload_path = File.join(uploads_dir, 'renamed', 'child', 'the-project')
expected_pages_path = File.join(pages_dir, 'renamed', 'child', 'the-project')
context 'renaming parent' do
it 'correctly moves the repository, uploads and pages' do
parent.update!(path: 'renamed')
......@@ -297,13 +247,7 @@ describe Namespace do
context 'moving from one parent to another' do
it 'correctly moves the repository, uploads and pages' do
child.update!(parent: new_parent)
>>>>>>> 3fab8dac18... Merge branch 'mk/fix-move-upload-files-on-group-transfer' into 'master'
<<<<<<< HEAD
child.update_attributes!(path: 'renamed')
||||||| parent of 3fab8dac18... Merge branch 'mk/fix-move-upload-files-on-group-transfer' into 'master'
parent.update_attributes!(path: 'renamed')
......@@ -319,36 +263,25 @@ describe Namespace do
context 'moving from root to having a parent' do
it 'correctly moves the repository, uploads and pages' do
parent.update!(parent: new_parent)
>>>>>>> 3fab8dac18... Merge branch 'mk/fix-move-upload-files-on-group-transfer' into 'master'
<<<<<<< HEAD
expect( be(true)
expect( be(true)
expect( be(true)
||||||| parent of 3fab8dac18... Merge branch 'mk/fix-move-upload-files-on-group-transfer' into 'master'
expect( be(true)
expect( be(true)
expect( be(true)
>>>>>>> 3fab8dac18... Merge branch 'mk/fix-move-upload-files-on-group-transfer' into 'master'
context 'renaming parent' do
it 'correctly moves the repository, uploads and pages' do
expected_repository_path = File.join(TestEnv.repos_path, 'renamed', 'child', 'the-project.git')
expected_upload_path = File.join(uploads_dir, 'renamed', 'child', 'the-project')
expected_pages_path = File.join(pages_dir, 'renamed', 'child', 'the-project')
context 'hashed storage' do
let(:namespace) { create(:namespace) }
let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, :hashed, namespace: namespace) }
parent.update_attributes!(path: 'renamed')
it_behaves_like 'namespace restrictions'
expect( be(true)
expect( be(true)
expect( be(true)
it "repository directory remains unchanged if path changed" do
before_disk_path = project.disk_path
namespace.update_attributes(path: namespace.full_path + '_new')
expect(before_disk_path).to eq(project.disk_path)
expect(gitlab_shell.exists?(project.repository_storage_path, "#{project.disk_path}.git")).to be_truthy
......@@ -356,7 +289,7 @@ describe Namespace do
parent = create(:group, name: 'mygroup', path: 'mygroup')
subgroup = create(:group, name: 'mysubgroup', path: 'mysubgroup', parent: parent)
project_in_parent_group = create(:project, :repository, namespace: parent, name: 'foo1')
hashed_project_in_subgroup = create(:project, :repository, :hashed, namespace: subgroup, name: 'foo2')
hashed_project_in_subgroup = create(:project, :hashed, :repository, namespace: subgroup, name: 'foo2')
legacy_project_in_subgroup = create(:project, :repository, namespace: subgroup, name: 'foo3')
parent.update(path: 'mygroup_new')
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