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Refactor syntax for spec/models/clusters/applications/jupyter_spec.rb

parent 08216d2e
......@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ describe Clusters::Applications::Jupyter do
let(:cluster) { create(:cluster, :provided_by_gcp) }
let(:jupyter) { create(:clusters_applications_jupyter, cluster: cluster) }
it { expect(jupyter.status_name).to be(:not_installable) }
it { expect(jupyter).to be_not_installable }
context 'when ingress is installed and external_ip is assigned' do
let(:ingress) { create(:clusters_applications_ingress, :installed, external_ip: '') }
let(:jupyter) { create(:clusters_applications_jupyter, cluster: ingress.cluster) }
it { expect(jupyter.status_name).to be(:installable) }
it { expect(jupyter).to be_installable }
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