BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 7ac732a2 by Jacob Schatz

Merge branch 'fe-arch-step' into 'master'

Adds information about architecture step. See merge request !9844
parents 065825b7 85b96f14
......@@ -16,6 +16,22 @@ minification, and compression of our assets.
[jQuery][jquery] is used throughout the application's JavaScript, with
[Vue.js][vue] for particularly advanced, dynamic elements.
### Architecture
The Frontend Architect is an expert who makes high-level frontend design choices
and decides on technical standards, including coding standards, and frameworks.
When you are assigned a new feature that requires architectural design,
make sure it is discussed with one of the Frontend Architecture Experts.
This rule also applies if you plan to change the architecture of an existing feature.
These decisions should be accessible to everyone, so please document it on the Merge Request.
You can find the Frontend Architecture experts on the [team page][team-page].
You can find documentation about the desired architecture for a new feature built with Vue.js in [here][vue-section].
### Vue
For more complex frontend features, we recommend using Vue.js. It shares
......@@ -238,8 +254,8 @@ readability.
See the relevant style guides for our guidelines and for information on linting:
- [SCSS][scss-style-guide]
- JavaScript - We defer to [AirBnb][airbnb-js-style-guide] on most style-related
conventions and enforce them with eslint. See [our current .eslintrc][eslistrc]
- JavaScript - We defer to [AirBnb][airbnb-js-style-guide] on most style-related
conventions and enforce them with eslint. See [our current .eslintrc][eslintrc]
for specific rules and patterns.
## Testing
......@@ -439,3 +455,5 @@ Scenario: Developer can approve merge request
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