BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 762c7b4f by Kyle Fazzari

Fixed 500 error when creating issue for project with no commits.

The form was updated to check that the repository wasn't empty before trying to load the contribution guide. This fixes #153.
parent 0f055197
%div.issue-form-holder @issue.new_record? ? "New Issue" : "Edit Issue ##{@issue.iid}"
- if @repository.contribution_guide && !@issue.persisted?
- if !@repository.empty? && @repository.contribution_guide && !@issue.persisted?
- contribution_guide_url = project_blob_path(@project, tree_join(@repository.root_ref,
="Please review the <strong>#{link_to "guidelines for contribution", contribution_guide_url}</strong> to this repository.".html_safe
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