BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 60dc0d16 by Rémy Coutable

Merge branch '19694-remove-duplication-between-project-builds-and-admin-builds-view' into 'master'

Remove duplication between project builds and admin builds view Closes #19694 See merge request !5680
parents 1eeb92a5 41d57080
......@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ v 8.12.0 (unreleased)
- API for Ci Lint !5953 (Katarzyna Kobierska Urszula Budziszewska)
- Allow bulk update merge requests from merge requests index page
- Add notification_settings API calls !5632 (mahcsig)
- Remove duplication between project builds and admin builds view !5680 (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
v 8.11.6 (unreleased)
- project = build.project
= ci_status_with_icon(build.status)
- if can?(current_user, :read_build, build.project)
= link_to namespace_project_build_url(build.project.namespace, build.project, build) do ##{}
- else ##{}
- if build.ref
= build.tag? ? icon('tag') : icon('code-fork')
= link_to build.ref, namespace_project_commits_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build.ref), class: "monospace branch-name"
- else
.light none
= custom_icon("icon_commit")
= link_to build.short_sha, namespace_project_commit_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build.sha), class: "monospace commit-id"
- if build.stuck?
- if build.tags.any?
- build.tags.each do |tag|
= tag
- if build.try(:trigger_request)
%span.label.label-info triggered
- if build.try(:allow_failure)
%span.label.label-danger allowed to fail
- if project
= link_to project.name_with_namespace, admin_namespace_project_path(project.namespace, project)
- if build.try(:runner)
= runner_link(build.runner)
- else
.light none
#{build.stage} / #{}
- if build.duration
= custom_icon("icon_timer")
= duration_in_numbers(build.duration)
- if build.finished_at
= icon("calendar")
%span #{time_ago_with_tooltip(build.finished_at)}
- if defined?(coverage) && coverage
- if build.try(:coverage)
- if can?(current_user, :read_build, project) && build.artifacts?
= link_to download_namespace_project_build_artifacts_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build), title: 'Download artifacts', class: 'btn btn-build' do
- if can?(current_user, :update_build, build.project)
- if
= link_to cancel_namespace_project_build_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build, return_to: request.original_url), method: :post, title: 'Cancel', class: 'btn btn-build' do
- elsif defined?(allow_retry) && allow_retry && build.retryable?
= link_to retry_namespace_project_build_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build, return_to: request.original_url), method: :post, title: 'Retry', class: 'btn btn-build' do
......@@ -4,26 +4,8 @@
%div{ class: container_class }
%li{class: ('active' if @scope.nil?)}
= link_to admin_builds_path do
%span.badge.js-totalbuilds-count= @all_builds.count(:id)
%li{class: ('active' if @scope == 'pending')}
= link_to admin_builds_path(scope: :pending) do
%span.badge= number_with_delimiter(@all_builds.pending.count(:id))
%li{class: ('active' if @scope == 'running')}
= link_to admin_builds_path(scope: :running) do
%span.badge= number_with_delimiter(@all_builds.running.count(:id))
%li{class: ('active' if @scope == 'finished')}
= link_to admin_builds_path(scope: :finished) do
%span.badge= number_with_delimiter(@all_builds.finished.count(:id))
- build_path_proc = ->(scope) { admin_builds_path(scope: scope) }
= render "shared/builds/tabs", build_path_proc: build_path_proc, all_builds: @all_builds, scope: @scope
- if @all_builds.running_or_pending.any?
......@@ -33,23 +15,4 @@
#{(@scope || 'all').capitalize} builds
- if @builds.blank?
.nothing-here-block No builds to show
- else
%th Status
%th Commit
%th Project
%th Runner
%th Name
- @builds.each do |build|
= render "admin/builds/build", build: build
= paginate @builds, theme: 'gitlab'
= render "projects/builds/table", builds: @builds, admin: true
- admin = local_assigns.fetch(:admin, false)
- if builds.blank?
.nothing-here-block No builds to show
- else
%th Status
%th Commit
- if admin
%th Project
%th Runner
%th Stage
%th Name
%th Coverage
= render partial: "projects/ci/builds/build", collection: builds, as: :build, locals: { commit_sha: true, ref: true, stage: true, allow_retry: true, coverage: admin || project.build_coverage_enabled?, admin: admin }
= paginate builds, theme: 'gitlab'
......@@ -4,30 +4,8 @@
%div{ class: container_class }
%li{class: ('active' if @scope.nil?)}
= link_to project_builds_path(@project) do
= number_with_delimiter(@all_builds.count(:id))
%li{class: ('active' if @scope == 'pending')}
= link_to project_builds_path(@project, scope: :pending) do
= number_with_delimiter(@all_builds.pending.count(:id))
%li{class: ('active' if @scope == 'running')}
= link_to project_builds_path(@project, scope: :running) do
= number_with_delimiter(@all_builds.running.count(:id))
%li{class: ('active' if @scope == 'finished')}
= link_to project_builds_path(@project, scope: :finished) do
= number_with_delimiter(@all_builds.finished.count(:id))
- build_path_proc = ->(scope) { project_builds_path(@project, scope: scope) }
= render "shared/builds/tabs", build_path_proc: build_path_proc, all_builds: @all_builds, scope: @scope
- if can?(current_user, :update_build, @project)
......@@ -42,23 +20,4 @@
%span CI Lint
- if @builds.blank?
.nothing-here-block No builds to show
- else
%th Status
%th Commit
%th Stage
%th Name
- if @project.build_coverage_enabled?
%th Coverage
= render @builds, commit_sha: true, ref: true, stage: true, allow_retry: true, coverage: @project.build_coverage_enabled?
= paginate @builds, theme: 'gitlab'
= render "table", builds: @builds, project: @project
- admin = local_assigns.fetch(:admin, false)
- ref = local_assigns.fetch(:ref, nil)
- commit_sha = local_assigns.fetch(:commit_sha, nil)
- retried = local_assigns.fetch(:retried, false)
- stage = local_assigns.fetch(:stage, false)
- coverage = local_assigns.fetch(:coverage, false)
- allow_retry = local_assigns.fetch(:allow_retry, false)
- if can?(current_user, :read_build, build)
......@@ -9,11 +17,11 @@
- if can?(current_user, :read_build, build)
= link_to namespace_project_build_url(build.project.namespace, build.project, build) do
%span ##{} ##{}
- else
%span ##{} ##{}
- if defined?(ref) && ref
- if ref
- if build.ref
= build.tag? ? icon('tag') : icon('code-fork')
......@@ -23,12 +31,12 @@
= custom_icon("icon_commit")
- if defined?(commit_sha) && commit_sha
- if commit_sha
= link_to build.short_sha, namespace_project_commit_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build.sha), class: "commit-id monospace"
- if build.stuck?
= icon('warning', class: 'text-warning has-tooltip', title: 'Build is stuck. Check runners.')
- if defined?(retried) && retried
- if retried
= icon('warning', class: 'text-warning has-tooltip', title: 'Build was retried.')
......@@ -40,19 +48,24 @@
%span.label.label-info triggered
- if build.try(:allow_failure)
%span.label.label-danger allowed to fail
- if defined?(retried) && retried
- if retried
%span.label.label-warning retried
- if build.manual?
%span.label.label-info manual
- if defined?(runner) && runner
- if admin
- if build.project
= link_to build.project.name_with_namespace, admin_namespace_project_path(build.project.namespace, build.project)
- if admin
- if build.try(:runner)
= runner_link(build.runner)
- else
.light none
- if defined?(stage) && stage
- if stage
= build.stage
......@@ -64,13 +77,14 @@
= custom_icon("icon_timer")
= duration_in_numbers(build.duration)
- if build.finished_at
= icon("calendar")
%span #{time_ago_with_tooltip(build.finished_at)}
- if defined?(coverage) && coverage
- if coverage
- if build.try(:coverage)
......@@ -83,10 +97,10 @@
- if
= link_to cancel_namespace_project_build_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build, return_to: request.original_url), method: :post, title: 'Cancel', class: 'btn btn-build' do
= icon('remove', class: 'cred')
- elsif defined?(allow_retry) && allow_retry
- elsif allow_retry
- if build.retryable?
= link_to retry_namespace_project_build_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build, return_to: request.original_url), method: :post, title: 'Retry', class: 'btn btn-build' do
= icon('repeat')
- elsif build.playable?
- elsif build.playable? && !admin
= link_to play_namespace_project_build_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build, return_to: request.original_url), method: :post, title: 'Play', class: 'btn btn-build' do
= custom_icon('icon_play')
%li{ class: ('active' if scope.nil?) }
= link_to do
= number_with_delimiter(all_builds.count(:id))
%li{ class: ('active' if scope == 'pending') }
= link_to'pending') do
= number_with_delimiter(all_builds.pending.count(:id))
%li{ class: ('active' if scope == 'running') }
= link_to'running') do
= number_with_delimiter(all_builds.running.count(:id))
%li{ class: ('active' if scope == 'finished') }
= link_to'finished') do
= number_with_delimiter(all_builds.finished.count(:id))
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