BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 5d16fc67 by Rémy Coutable

Merge branch 'blackst0ne-rails5-update-gemfile-rails5-lock' into 'master'

[Rails5] Update Gemfile.rails5.lock See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!18164
parents 57b0636c 975c084c
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ GEM
autoprefixer-rails (>= 5.2.1)
sass (>= 3.3.4)
bootstrap_form (2.7.0)
brakeman (3.6.2)
brakeman (4.2.1)
browser (2.5.3)
builder (3.2.3)
bullet (5.5.1)
......@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ GEM
hipchat (1.5.4)
html-pipeline (2.6.0)
html-pipeline (2.7.1)
activesupport (>= 2)
nokogiri (>= 1.4)
html2text (0.2.1)
......@@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
binding_of_caller (~> 0.7.2)
bootstrap-sass (~> 3.3.0)
bootstrap_form (~> 2.7.0)
brakeman (~> 3.6.0)
brakeman (~> 4.2)
browser (~> 2.2)
bullet (~> 5.5.0)
bundler-audit (~> 0.5.0)
......@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
health_check (~> 2.6.0)
hipchat (~> 1.5.0)
html-pipeline (~> 2.6.0)
html-pipeline (~> 2.7.1)
httparty (~> 0.13.3)
influxdb (~> 0.2)
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