BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 585e0254 by Mike Greiling

update plain text version of pipeline success email

parent 5cd95549
Project: <%= @project.path_with_namespace %>
Branch: <%= @pipeline.ref %>
Commit: <%= @pipeline.short_sha %> (<%= @pipeline.sha %>)
Commit Message: <%= @pipeline.git_commit_message %>
Commit Author: <%= @pipeline.git_author_name %>
Pusher: <%= @pipeline.user.try(:name) %>
Pipeline #<%= %> had succeeded.
Success! Your CI pipeline has passed.
Project: <%= %> ( <%= namespace_project_url(@project.namespace, @project) %> )
Branch: <%= @pipeline.ref %> ( <%= namespace_project_commits_url(@project.namespace, @project, @pipeline.ref) %> )
<% if @merge_request -%>
Merge Request: <%= @merge_request.to_reference %> ( <%= namespace_project_merge_request_url(@project.namespace, @project, @merge_request) %> )
<% end -%>
Commit: <%= @pipeline.short_sha %> ( <%= namespace_project_commit_url(@project.namespace, @project, @pipeline.sha) %> )
Commit Message: <%= @pipeline.git_commit_message.truncate(50) %>
<% commit = @pipeline.commit -%>
<% if -%>
Commit Author: <%= commit.author_name %>
<% else -%>
Commit Author: <%= %> ( <%= user_url( %> )
<% end -%>
<% build_count = @pipeline.statuses.latest.size -%>
<% stage_count = @pipeline.stages.size -%>
Pipeline #<%= %> ( <%= namespace_project_pipeline_url(@project.namespace, @project, %> ) successfully completed <%= build_count %> <%= 'build'.pluralize(build_count) %> in <%= stage_count %> <%= 'stage'.pluralize(stage_count) %>.
Manage all notifications: <%= profile_notifications_url %>
Help: <%= help_url %>
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