BigW Consortium Gitlab

Extend variables_duplicates validator with scope handling

parent 41285af4
# VariableDuplicatesValidator
# This validtor is designed for especially the following condition
# This validator is designed for especially the following condition
# - Use `accepts_nested_attributes_for :xxx` in a parent model
# - Use `validates :xxx, uniqueness: { scope: :xxx_id }` in a child model
class VariableDuplicatesValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
duplicates = value.reject(&:marked_for_destruction?).group_by(&:key).select { |_, v| v.many? }.map(&:first)
if options[:scope]
scoped = value.group_by { |variable| Array(options[:scope]).map { |attr| variable.send(attr) } }
scoped.each_value { |scope| validate_duplicates(record, attribute, scope) }
validate_duplicates(record, attribute, value)
def validate_duplicates(record, attribute, values)
duplicates = values.reject(&:marked_for_destruction?).group_by(&:key).select { |_, v| v.many? }.map(&:first)
if duplicates.any?
record.errors.add(attribute, "Duplicate variables: #{duplicates.join(", ")}")
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