BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 49aecb60 by Regis

properly remove events and get rid of lingering interval loops

parent 30e7952a
......@@ -49,28 +49,20 @@
const removeTimeIntervals = () => {
const startIntervalLoops = () => {
const removeTimeIntervals = () => clearInterval(this.timeLoopInterval);
const startIntervalLoops = () => startTimeLoops();
const removeAll = () => {
window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', removeTimeIntervals);
window.removeEventListener('focus', startIntervalLoops);
window.removeEventListener('blur', removeTimeIntervals);
// turbolinks event handler
document.removeEventListener('page:fetch', () => {});
document.removeEventListener('page:fetch', removeAll);
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', removeTimeIntervals);
window.addEventListener('focus', startIntervalLoops);
window.addEventListener('blur', removeTimeIntervals);
// turbolinks event handler
document.addEventListener('page:fetch', removeAll);
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