BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 49534a65 by Douwe Maan

Merge branch 'fix/14388' into 'master'

Fix an issue when the target branch of a MR had been deleted Before displaying the "diverged commits" note, we're checking if the MR is open, but we should check if it's mergeable instead because this check ensure the source and target branches exist. This was introduced by !2217 and fixes #14388. See merge request !3294
parents 5203a984 bc92de8f
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ v 8.6.0 (unreleased)
- Increase the notes polling timeout over time (Roberto Dip)
- Add shortcut to toggle markdown preview (Florent Baldino)
- Show labels in dashboard and group milestone views
- Fix an issue when the target branch of a MR had been deleted
- Add main language of a project in the list of projects (Tiago Botelho)
- Add #upcoming filter to Milestone filter (Tiago Botelho)
- Add ability to show archived projects on dashboard, explore and group pages
......@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
def target_sha
@target_sha ||= target_project.repository.commit(target_branch).sha
@target_sha ||= target_project.repository.commit(target_branch).try(:sha)
def source_sha
......@@ -572,8 +572,11 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
def compute_diverged_commits_count
return 0 unless source_sha && target_sha
Gitlab::Git::Commit.between(target_project.repository.raw_repository, source_sha, target_sha).size
private :compute_diverged_commits_count
def diverged_from_target_branch?
diverged_commits_count > 0
......@@ -86,6 +86,16 @@ describe MergeRequest, models: true do
describe '#target_sha' do
context 'when the target branch does not exist anymore' do
subject { create(:merge_request).tap { |mr| mr.update_attribute(:target_branch, 'deleted') } }
it 'returns nil' do
expect(subject.target_sha).to be_nil
describe '#source_sha' do
let(:last_branch_commit) { subject.source_project.repository.commit(subject.source_branch) }
......@@ -310,6 +320,18 @@ describe MergeRequest, models: true do
let(:project) { create(:project) }
let(:fork_project) { create(:project, forked_from_project: project) }
context 'when the target branch does not exist anymore' do
subject { create(:merge_request).tap { |mr| mr.update_attribute(:target_branch, 'deleted') } }
it 'does not crash' do
expect{ subject.diverged_commits_count }.not_to raise_error
it 'returns 0' do
expect(subject.diverged_commits_count).to eq(0)
context 'diverged on same repository' do
subject(:merge_request_with_divergence) { create(:merge_request, :diverged, source_project: project, target_project: project) }
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