This is the most important part of the configuration and it's the one that
This is the most important part of the configuration and it's the one that
tells GitLab Runner how and when to spawn new Docker Machine instances.
tells GitLab Runner how and when to spawn new or remove old Docker Machine
We will focus on the AWS machine options, for the rest of the settings read
about the:
- [autoscaling algorithm and the parameters it's based on]( - depends on the needs of your organization
- [off peak time configuration]( - useful when there are regular time periods in your organization when no work is done, for example weekends
The Docker Machine driver is set to `amazonec2` and the machine name has a
standard prefix followed by `%s` (required) that is replaced by the ID of the
child Runner: `gitlab-docker-machine-%s`.
Now, depending on your AWS infrastructure, there are many options you can set up
under `MachineOptions`. Let's see the most common ones:
- `amazonec2-access-key=XXXX` - The AWS access key of the user that has permissions to create EC2 instances, see [AWS credentials](#aws-credentials).
- `amazonec2-secret-key=XXXX` - The AWS secret key of the user that has permissions to create EC2 instances, see [AWS credentials](#aws-credentials).
- `amazonec2-region=eu-central-1` - The region to use when launching the instance. You can omit this entirely and the default `us-east-1` will be used.
- `amazonec2-vpc-id=vpc-xxxxx` - Your VPC ID to launch the instance in, read more in [Docker docs about the VPC ID](
- `amazonec2-use-private-address=true` - Use the private IP address for docker-machine, but still create a public IP address. Useful to keep the traffic internal and avoid extra costs.
- `amazonec2-tags=Name,gitlab-runner-autoscale` - AWS extra tag key-value pairs, useful to identify the instances on the AWS console.
- `amazonec2-security-group=docker-machine-scaler` - AWS VPC security group name, see [AWS security groups](#aws-security-groups).
- `amazonec2-instance-type=m4.2xlarge` - The instance type that the child Runners will run on.
TIP: **Tip:**
TIP: **Tip:**
Under `MachineOptions` you can add anything that the [AWS Docker Machine driver
Under `MachineOptions` you can add anything that the [AWS Docker Machine driver