BigW Consortium Gitlab

Remove u2f from globalnamespace

parent d6170ce4
......@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ import initChangesDropdown from './init_changes_dropdown';
import AbuseReports from './abuse_reports';
import { ajaxGet, convertPermissionToBoolean } from './lib/utils/common_utils';
import AjaxLoadingSpinner from './ajax_loading_spinner';
import U2FAuthenticate from './u2f/authenticate';
(function() {
var Dispatcher;
......@@ -535,14 +536,16 @@ import AjaxLoadingSpinner from './ajax_loading_spinner';
case 'sessions':
case 'omniauth_callbacks':
if (!gon.u2f) break;
gl.u2fAuthenticate = new gl.U2FAuthenticate(
const u2fAuthenticate = new U2FAuthenticate(
// needed in rspec
gl.u2fAuthenticate = u2fAuthenticate;
case 'admin':
new Admin();
switch (path[1]) {
......@@ -47,12 +47,6 @@ import './lib/utils/url_utility';
// behaviors
import './behaviors/';
// u2f
import './u2f/authenticate';
import './u2f/error';
import './u2f/register';
import './u2f/util';
// everything else
import './activities';
import './admin';
/* global U2FRegister */
import U2FRegister from './u2f/register';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const twoFactorNode = document.querySelector('.js-two-factor-auth');
const skippable = twoFactorNode.dataset.twoFactorSkippable === 'true';
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-rest-params, wrap-iife, prefer-arrow-callback, no-else-return, quotes, quote-props, comma-dangle, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, max-len */
/* eslint-disable func-names, wrap-iife */
/* global u2f */
/* global U2FError */
/* global U2FUtil */
import _ from 'underscore';
import isU2FSupported from './util';
import U2FError from './error';
// Authenticate U2F (universal 2nd factor) devices for users to authenticate with.
// State Flow #1: setup -> in_progress -> authenticated -> POST to server
// State Flow #2: setup -> in_progress -> error -> setup
(function() {
const global = || ( = {});
global.U2FAuthenticate = (function() {
function U2FAuthenticate(container, form, u2fParams, fallbackButton, fallbackUI) {
export default class U2FAuthenticate {
constructor(container, form, u2fParams, fallbackButton, fallbackUI) {
this.container = container;
this.renderNotSupported = this.renderNotSupported.bind(this);
this.renderAuthenticated = this.renderAuthenticated.bind(this);
......@@ -27,8 +23,10 @@ import _ from 'underscore';
this.form = form;
this.fallbackButton = fallbackButton;
this.fallbackUI = fallbackUI;
if (this.fallbackButton) this.fallbackButton.addEventListener('click', this.switchToFallbackUI.bind(this));
this.signRequests = {
if (this.fallbackButton) {
this.fallbackButton.addEventListener('click', this.switchToFallbackUI.bind(this));
// The U2F Javascript API v1.1 requires a single challenge, with
// _no challenges per-request_. The U2F Javascript API v1.0 requires a
// challenge per-request, which is done by copying the single challenge
......@@ -40,79 +38,71 @@ import _ from 'underscore';
// Note: The server library fixes this behaviour in (unreleased) version 1.0.0.
// This can be removed once we upgrade.
return _(request).omit('challenge');
this.signRequests = => _(request).omit('challenge'));
this.templates = {
notSupported: '#js-authenticate-u2f-not-supported',
setup: '#js-authenticate-u2f-setup',
inProgress: '#js-authenticate-u2f-in-progress',
error: '#js-authenticate-u2f-error',
authenticated: '#js-authenticate-u2f-authenticated',
U2FAuthenticate.prototype.start = function() {
if (U2FUtil.isU2FSupported()) {
start() {
if (isU2FSupported()) {
return this.renderInProgress();
} else {
return this.renderNotSupported();
U2FAuthenticate.prototype.authenticate = function() {
return u2f.sign(this.appId, this.challenge, this.signRequests, (function(_this) {
return function(response) {
var error;
authenticate() {
return u2f.sign(this.appId, this.challenge, this.signRequests, (function (_this) {
return function (response) {
if (response.errorCode) {
error = new U2FError(response.errorCode, 'authenticate');
const error = new U2FError(response.errorCode, 'authenticate');
return _this.renderError(error);
} else {
return _this.renderAuthenticated(JSON.stringify(response));
return _this.renderAuthenticated(JSON.stringify(response));
})(this), 10);
// Rendering #
U2FAuthenticate.prototype.templates = {
"notSupported": "#js-authenticate-u2f-not-supported",
"setup": '#js-authenticate-u2f-setup',
"inProgress": '#js-authenticate-u2f-in-progress',
"error": '#js-authenticate-u2f-error',
"authenticated": '#js-authenticate-u2f-authenticated'
U2FAuthenticate.prototype.renderTemplate = function(name, params) {
var template, templateString;
templateString = $(this.templates[name]).html();
template = _.template(templateString);
renderTemplate(name, params) {
const templateString = $(this.templates[name]).html();
const template = _.template(templateString);
return this.container.html(template(params));
U2FAuthenticate.prototype.renderInProgress = function() {
renderInProgress() {
return this.authenticate();
U2FAuthenticate.prototype.renderError = function(error) {
renderError(error) {
this.renderTemplate('error', {
error_message: error.message(),
error_code: error.errorCode
error_code: error.errorCode,
return this.container.find('#js-u2f-try-again').on('click', this.renderInProgress);
U2FAuthenticate.prototype.renderAuthenticated = function(deviceResponse) {
renderAuthenticated(deviceResponse) {
const container = this.container[0];
container.querySelector('#js-device-response').value = deviceResponse;
U2FAuthenticate.prototype.renderNotSupported = function() {
renderNotSupported() {
return this.renderTemplate('notSupported');
U2FAuthenticate.prototype.switchToFallbackUI = function() {
switchToFallbackUI() {
return U2FAuthenticate;
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-rest-params, wrap-iife, no-console, quotes, prefer-template, max-len */
/* global u2f */
(function() {
this.U2FError = (function() {
function U2FError(errorCode, u2fFlowType) {
export default class U2FError {
constructor(errorCode, u2fFlowType) {
this.errorCode = errorCode;
this.message = this.message.bind(this);
this.httpsDisabled = window.location.protocol !== 'https:';
this.u2fFlowType = u2fFlowType;
U2FError.prototype.message = function() {
if (this.errorCode === u2f.ErrorCodes.BAD_REQUEST && this.httpsDisabled) {
message() {
if (this.errorCode === window.u2f.ErrorCodes.BAD_REQUEST && this.httpsDisabled) {
return 'U2F only works with HTTPS-enabled websites. Contact your administrator for more details.';
} else if (this.errorCode === u2f.ErrorCodes.DEVICE_INELIGIBLE) {
if (this.u2fFlowType === 'authenticate') return 'This device has not been registered with us.';
if (this.u2fFlowType === 'register') return 'This device has already been registered with us.';
} else if (this.errorCode === window.u2f.ErrorCodes.DEVICE_INELIGIBLE) {
if (this.u2fFlowType === 'authenticate') {
return 'This device has not been registered with us.';
return "There was a problem communicating with your device.";
return U2FError;
if (this.u2fFlowType === 'register') {
return 'This device has already been registered with us.';
return 'There was a problem communicating with your device.';
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-rest-params, wrap-iife, no-else-return, quotes, quote-props, comma-dangle, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, max-len */
/* eslint-disable func-names, wrap-iife */
/* global u2f */
/* global U2FError */
/* global U2FUtil */
import _ from 'underscore';
import isU2FSupported from './util';
import U2FError from './error';
// Register U2F (universal 2nd factor) devices for users to authenticate with.
// State Flow #1: setup -> in_progress -> registered -> POST to server
// State Flow #2: setup -> in_progress -> error -> setup
(function() {
this.U2FRegister = (function() {
function U2FRegister(container, u2fParams) {
export default class U2FRegister {
constructor(container, u2fParams) {
this.container = container;
this.renderNotSupported = this.renderNotSupported.bind(this);
this.renderRegistered = this.renderRegistered.bind(this);
......@@ -24,75 +23,67 @@ import _ from 'underscore';
this.appId = u2fParams.app_id;
this.registerRequests = u2fParams.register_requests;
this.signRequests = u2fParams.sign_requests;
this.templates = {
notSupported: '#js-register-u2f-not-supported',
setup: '#js-register-u2f-setup',
inProgress: '#js-register-u2f-in-progress',
error: '#js-register-u2f-error',
registered: '#js-register-u2f-registered',
U2FRegister.prototype.start = function() {
if (U2FUtil.isU2FSupported()) {
start() {
if (isU2FSupported()) {
return this.renderSetup();
} else {
return this.renderNotSupported();
U2FRegister.prototype.register = function() {
return u2f.register(this.appId, this.registerRequests, this.signRequests, (function(_this) {
return function(response) {
var error;
register() {
return u2f.register(this.appId, this.registerRequests, this.signRequests, (function (_this) {
return function (response) {
if (response.errorCode) {
error = new U2FError(response.errorCode, 'register');
const error = new U2FError(response.errorCode, 'register');
return _this.renderError(error);
} else {
return _this.renderRegistered(JSON.stringify(response));
return _this.renderRegistered(JSON.stringify(response));
})(this), 10);
// Rendering #
U2FRegister.prototype.templates = {
"notSupported": "#js-register-u2f-not-supported",
"setup": '#js-register-u2f-setup',
"inProgress": '#js-register-u2f-in-progress',
"error": '#js-register-u2f-error',
"registered": '#js-register-u2f-registered'
U2FRegister.prototype.renderTemplate = function(name, params) {
var template, templateString;
templateString = $(this.templates[name]).html();
template = _.template(templateString);
renderTemplate(name, params) {
const templateString = $(this.templates[name]).html();
const template = _.template(templateString);
return this.container.html(template(params));
U2FRegister.prototype.renderSetup = function() {
renderSetup() {
return this.container.find('#js-setup-u2f-device').on('click', this.renderInProgress);
U2FRegister.prototype.renderInProgress = function() {
renderInProgress() {
return this.register();
U2FRegister.prototype.renderError = function(error) {
renderError(error) {
this.renderTemplate('error', {
error_message: error.message(),
error_code: error.errorCode
error_code: error.errorCode,
return this.container.find('#js-u2f-try-again').on('click', this.renderSetup);
U2FRegister.prototype.renderRegistered = function(deviceResponse) {
renderRegistered(deviceResponse) {
// Prefer to do this instead of interpolating using Underscore templates
// because of JSON escaping issues.
return this.container.find("#js-device-response").val(deviceResponse);
return this.container.find('#js-device-response').val(deviceResponse);
U2FRegister.prototype.renderNotSupported = function() {
renderNotSupported() {
return this.renderTemplate('notSupported');
return U2FRegister;
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife */
(function() {
this.U2FUtil = (function() {
function U2FUtil() {}
U2FUtil.isU2FSupported = function() {
export default function isU2FSupported() {
return window.u2f;
return U2FUtil;
/* eslint-disable space-before-function-paren, new-parens, quotes, comma-dangle, no-var, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, max-len */
/* global MockU2FDevice */
/* global U2FAuthenticate */
import '~/u2f/authenticate';
import '~/u2f/util';
import '~/u2f/error';
import U2FAuthenticate from '~/u2f/authenticate';
import 'vendor/u2f';
import './mock_u2f_device';
import MockU2FDevice from './mock_u2f_device';
(function() {
describe('U2FAuthenticate', function() {
describe('U2FAuthenticate', () => {
beforeEach(function() {
beforeEach(() => {
this.u2fDevice = new MockU2FDevice;
this.container = $("#js-authenticate-u2f");
this.component = new
this.u2fDevice = new MockU2FDevice();
this.container = $('#js-authenticate-u2f');
this.component = new U2FAuthenticate(
sign_requests: []
sign_requests: [],
// bypass automatic form submission within renderAuthenticated
......@@ -31,42 +24,40 @@ import './mock_u2f_device';
return this.component.start();
it('allows authenticating via a U2F device', function() {
var inProgressMessage;
inProgressMessage = this.container.find("p");
expect(inProgressMessage.text()).toContain("Trying to communicate with your device");
it('allows authenticating via a U2F device', () => {
const inProgressMessage = this.container.find('p');
expect(inProgressMessage.text()).toContain('Trying to communicate with your device');
deviceData: "this is data from the device"
deviceData: 'this is data from the device',
expect(this.component.renderAuthenticated).toHaveBeenCalledWith('{"deviceData":"this is data from the device"}');
return describe("errors", function() {
it("displays an error message", function() {
var errorMessage, setupButton;
setupButton = this.container.find("#js-login-u2f-device");
return describe('errors', () => {
it('displays an error message', () => {
const setupButton = this.container.find('#js-login-u2f-device');
errorCode: "error!"
errorCode: 'error!',
errorMessage = this.container.find("p");
return expect(errorMessage.text()).toContain("There was a problem communicating with your device");
const errorMessage = this.container.find('p');
return expect(errorMessage.text()).toContain('There was a problem communicating with your device');
return it("allows retrying authentication after an error", function() {
var retryButton, setupButton;
setupButton = this.container.find("#js-login-u2f-device");
return it('allows retrying authentication after an error', () => {
let setupButton = this.container.find('#js-login-u2f-device');
errorCode: "error!"
errorCode: 'error!',
retryButton = this.container.find("#js-u2f-try-again");
const retryButton = this.container.find('#js-u2f-try-again');
setupButton = this.container.find("#js-login-u2f-device");
setupButton = this.container.find('#js-login-u2f-device');
deviceData: "this is data from the device"
deviceData: 'this is data from the device',
expect(this.component.renderAuthenticated).toHaveBeenCalledWith('{"deviceData":"this is data from the device"}');
/* eslint-disable space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-rest-params, wrap-iife, no-unused-expressions, no-return-assign, no-param-reassign, max-len */
/* eslint-disable prefer-rest-params, wrap-iife,
no-unused-expressions, no-return-assign, no-param-reassign*/
(function() {
this.MockU2FDevice = (function() {
function MockU2FDevice() {
export default class MockU2FDevice {
constructor() {
this.respondToAuthenticateRequest = this.respondToAuthenticateRequest.bind(this);
this.respondToRegisterRequest = this.respondToRegisterRequest.bind(this);
window.u2f || (window.u2f = {});
window.u2f.register = (function(_this) {
return function(appId, registerRequests, signRequests, callback) {
window.u2f.register = (function (_this) {
return function (appId, registerRequests, signRequests, callback) {
return _this.registerCallback = callback;
window.u2f.sign = (function(_this) {
return function(appId, challenges, signRequests, callback) {
window.u2f.sign = (function (_this) {
return function (appId, challenges, signRequests, callback) {
return _this.authenticateCallback = callback;
MockU2FDevice.prototype.respondToRegisterRequest = function(params) {
respondToRegisterRequest(params) {
return this.registerCallback(params);
MockU2FDevice.prototype.respondToAuthenticateRequest = function(params) {
respondToAuthenticateRequest(params) {
return this.authenticateCallback(params);
return MockU2FDevice;
/* eslint-disable space-before-function-paren, new-parens, quotes, no-var, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, comma-dangle, max-len */
/* global MockU2FDevice */
/* global U2FRegister */
import '~/u2f/register';
import '~/u2f/util';
import '~/u2f/error';
import U2FRegister from '~/u2f/register';
import 'vendor/u2f';
import './mock_u2f_device';
import MockU2FDevice from './mock_u2f_device';
(function() {
describe('U2FRegister', function() {
describe('U2FRegister', () => {
beforeEach(function() {
beforeEach(() => {
this.u2fDevice = new MockU2FDevice;
this.container = $("#js-register-u2f");
this.component = new U2FRegister(this.container, $("#js-register-u2f-templates"), {}, "token");
this.u2fDevice = new MockU2FDevice();
this.container = $('#js-register-u2f');
this.component = new U2FRegister(this.container, $('#js-register-u2f-templates'), {}, 'token');
return this.component.start();
it('allows registering a U2F device', function() {
var deviceResponse, inProgressMessage, registeredMessage, setupButton;
setupButton = this.container.find("#js-setup-u2f-device");
it('allows registering a U2F device', () => {
const setupButton = this.container.find('#js-setup-u2f-device');
expect(setupButton.text()).toBe('Setup new U2F device');
inProgressMessage = this.container.children("p");
expect(inProgressMessage.text()).toContain("Trying to communicate with your device");
const inProgressMessage = this.container.children('p');
expect(inProgressMessage.text()).toContain('Trying to communicate with your device');
deviceData: "this is data from the device"
deviceData: 'this is data from the device',
registeredMessage = this.container.find('p');
deviceResponse = this.container.find('#js-device-response');
expect(registeredMessage.text()).toContain("Your device was successfully set up!");
const registeredMessage = this.container.find('p');
const deviceResponse = this.container.find('#js-device-response');
expect(registeredMessage.text()).toContain('Your device was successfully set up!');
return expect(deviceResponse.val()).toBe('{"deviceData":"this is data from the device"}');
return describe("errors", function() {
it("doesn't allow the same device to be registered twice (for the same user", function() {
var errorMessage, setupButton;
setupButton = this.container.find("#js-setup-u2f-device");
return describe('errors', () => {
it('doesn\'t allow the same device to be registered twice (for the same user', () => {
const setupButton = this.container.find('#js-setup-u2f-device');
errorCode: 4
errorCode: 4,
errorMessage = this.container.find("p");
return expect(errorMessage.text()).toContain("already been registered with us");
const errorMessage = this.container.find('p');
return expect(errorMessage.text()).toContain('already been registered with us');
it("displays an error message for other errors", function() {
var errorMessage, setupButton;
setupButton = this.container.find("#js-setup-u2f-device");
it('displays an error message for other errors', () => {
const setupButton = this.container.find('#js-setup-u2f-device');
errorCode: "error!"
errorCode: 'error!',
errorMessage = this.container.find("p");
return expect(errorMessage.text()).toContain("There was a problem communicating with your device");
const errorMessage = this.container.find('p');
return expect(errorMessage.text()).toContain('There was a problem communicating with your device');
return it("allows retrying registration after an error", function() {
var registeredMessage, retryButton, setupButton;
setupButton = this.container.find("#js-setup-u2f-device");
return it('allows retrying registration after an error', () => {
let setupButton = this.container.find('#js-setup-u2f-device');
errorCode: "error!"
errorCode: 'error!',
retryButton = this.container.find("#U2FTryAgain");
const retryButton = this.container.find('#U2FTryAgain');
setupButton = this.container.find("#js-setup-u2f-device");
setupButton = this.container.find('#js-setup-u2f-device');
deviceData: "this is data from the device"
registeredMessage = this.container.find("p");
return expect(registeredMessage.text()).toContain("Your device was successfully set up!");
deviceData: 'this is data from the device',
const registeredMessage = this.container.find('p');
return expect(registeredMessage.text()).toContain('Your device was successfully set up!');
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