BigW Consortium Gitlab

Don't vendor minified g.raphael.js

parent 2922dfce
...@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ ...@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
#= require bootstrap #= require bootstrap
#= require select2 #= require select2
#= require raphael #= require raphael
#= require g.raphael-min #= require g.raphael
#= require #= require
#= require Chart #= require Chart
#= require branch-graph #= require branch-graph
* g.Raphael 0.51 - Charting library, based on Raphaël
* Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Dmitry Baranovskiy (
* Licensed under the MIT ( license.
Raphael.el.popup=function(a,b,c,d){var f,g,h,i,j,e=this.paper||this[0].paper;if(e){switch(this.type){case"text":case"circle":case"ellipse":h=!0;break;default:h=!1}a=null==a?"up":a,b=b||5,f=this.getBBox(),c="number"==typeof c?c:h?f.x+f.width/2:f.x,d="number"==typeof d?d:h?f.y+f.height/2:f.y,i=Math.max(f.width/2-b,0),j=Math.max(f.height/2-b,0),this.translate(c-f.x-(h?f.width/2:0),d-f.y-(h?f.height/2:0)),f=this.getBBox();var k={up:["M",c,d,"l",-b,-b,-i,0,"a",b,b,0,0,1,-b,-b,"l",0,-f.height,"a",b,b,0,0,1,b,-b,"l",2*b+2*i,0,"a",b,b,0,0,1,b,b,"l",0,f.height,"a",b,b,0,0,1,-b,b,"l",-i,0,"z"].join(","),down:["M",c,d,"l",b,b,i,0,"a",b,b,0,0,1,b,b,"l",0,f.height,"a",b,b,0,0,1,-b,b,"l",-(2*b+2*i),0,"a",b,b,0,0,1,-b,-b,"l",0,-f.height,"a",b,b,0,0,1,b,-b,"l",i,0,"z"].join(","),left:["M",c,d,"l",-b,b,0,j,"a",b,b,0,0,1,-b,b,"l",-f.width,0,"a",b,b,0,0,1,-b,-b,"l",0,-(2*b+2*j),"a",b,b,0,0,1,b,-b,"l",f.width,0,"a",b,b,0,0,1,b,b,"l",0,j,"z"].join(","),right:["M",c,d,"l",b,-b,0,-j,"a",b,b,0,0,1,b,-b,"l",f.width,0,"a",b,b,0,0,1,b,b,"l",0,2*b+2*j,"a",b,b,0,0,1,-b,b,"l",-f.width,0,"a",b,b,0,0,1,-b,-b,"l",0,-j,"z"].join(",")};return g={up:{x:-!h*(f.width/2),y:2*-b-(h?f.height/2:f.height)},down:{x:-!h*(f.width/2),y:2*b+(h?f.height/2:f.height)},left:{x:2*-b-(h?f.width/2:f.width),y:-!h*(f.height/2)},right:{x:2*b+(h?f.width/2:f.width),y:-!h*(f.height/2)}}[a],this.translate(g.x,g.y),e.path(k[a]).attr({fill:"#000",stroke:"none"}).insertBefore(this.node?this:this[0])}},Raphael.el.tag=function(a,b,c,d){var e=3,f=this.paper||this[0].paper;if(f){var i,j,k,g=f.path().attr({fill:"#000",stroke:"#000"}),h=this.getBBox();switch(this.type){case"text":case"circle":case"ellipse":k=!0;break;default:k=!1}return a=a||0,c="number"==typeof c?c:k?h.x+h.width/2:h.x,d="number"==typeof d?d:k?h.y+h.height/2:h.y,b=null==b?5:b,j=.5522*b,h.height>=2*b?g.attr({path:["M",c,d+b,"a",b,b,0,1,1,0,2*-b,b,b,0,1,1,0,2*b,"m",0,2*-b-e,"a",b+e,b+e,0,1,0,0,2*(b+e),"L",c+b+e,d+h.height/2+e,"l",h.width+2*e,0,0,-h.height-2*e,-h.width-2*e,0,"L",c,d-b-e].join(",")}):(i=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b+e,2)-Math.pow(h.height/2+e,2)),g.attr({path:["M",c,d+b,"c",-j,0,-b,j-b,-b,-b,0,-j,b-j,-b,b,-b,j,0,b,b-j,b,b,0,j,j-b,b,-b,b,"M",c+i,d-h.height/2-e,"a",b+e,b+e,0,1,0,0,h.height+2*e,"l",b+e-i+h.width+2*e,0,0,-h.height-2*e,"L",c+i,d-h.height/2-e].join(",")})),a=360-a,g.rotate(a,c,d),this.attrs?(this.attr(this.attrs.x?"x":"cx",c+b+e+(k?h.width/2:"text"==this.type?h.width:0)).attr("y",k?d:d-h.height/2),this.rotate(a,c,d),a>90&&270>a&&this.attr(this.attrs.x?"x":"cx",c-b-e-(k?h.width/2:h.width)).rotate(180,c,d)):a>90&&270>a?(this.translate(c-h.x-h.width-b-e,d-h.y-h.height/2),this.rotate(a-180,h.x+h.width+b+e,h.y+h.height/2)):(this.translate(c-h.x+b+e,d-h.y-h.height/2),this.rotate(a,h.x-b-e,h.y+h.height/2)),g.insertBefore(this.node?this:this[0])}},Raphael.el.drop=function(a,b,c){var f,g,h,i,j,d=this.getBBox(),e=this.paper||this[0].paper;if(e){switch(this.type){case"text":case"circle":case"ellipse":f=!0;break;default:f=!1}return a=a||0,b="number"==typeof b?b:f?d.x+d.width/2:d.x,c="number"==typeof c?c:f?d.y+d.height/2:d.y,g=Math.max(d.width,d.height)+Math.min(d.width,d.height),h=e.path(["M",b,c,"l",g,0,"A",.4*g,.4*g,0,1,0,b+.7*g,c-.7*g,"z"]).attr({fill:"#000",stroke:"none"}).rotate(22.5-a,b,c),a=(a+90)*Math.PI/180,i=b+g*Math.sin(a)-(f?0:d.width/2),j=c+g*Math.cos(a)-(f?0:d.height/2),this.attrs?this.attr(this.attrs.x?"x":"cx",i).attr(this.attrs.y?"y":"cy",j):this.translate(i-d.x,j-d.y),h.insertBefore(this.node?this:this[0])}},Raphael.el.flag=function(a,b,c){var d=3,e=this.paper||this[0].paper;if(e){var i,f=e.path().attr({fill:"#000",stroke:"#000"}),g=this.getBBox(),h=g.height/2;switch(this.type){case"text":case"circle":case"ellipse":i=!0;break;default:i=!1}return a=a||0,b="number"==typeof b?b:i?g.x+g.width/2:g.x,c="number"==typeof c?c:i?g.y+g.height/2:g.y,f.attr({path:["M",b,c,"l",h+d,-h-d,g.width+2*d,0,0,g.height+2*d,-g.width-2*d,0,"z"].join(",")}),a=360-a,f.rotate(a,b,c),this.attrs?(this.attr(this.attrs.x?"x":"cx",b+h+d+(i?g.width/2:"text"==this.type?g.width:0)).attr("y",i?c:c-g.height/2),this.rotate(a,b,c),a>90&&270>a&&this.attr(this.attrs.x?"x":"cx",b-h-d-(i?g.width/2:g.width)).rotate(180,b,c)):a>90&&270>a?(this.translate(b-g.x-g.width-h-d,c-g.y-g.height/2),this.rotate(a-180,g.x+g.width+h+d,g.y+g.height/2)):(this.translate(b-g.x+h+d,c-g.y-g.height/2),this.rotate(a,g.x-h-d,g.y+g.height/2)),f.insertBefore(this.node?this:this[0])}},Raphael.el.label=function(){var a=this.getBBox(),b=this.paper||this[0].paper,c=Math.min(20,a.width+10,a.height+10)/2;if(b)return b.rect(a.x-c/2,a.y-c/2,a.width+c,a.height+c,c).attr({stroke:"none",fill:"#000"}).insertBefore(this.node?this:this[0])},Raphael.el.blob=function(a,b,c){var g,h,i,d=this.getBBox(),e=Math.PI/180,f=this.paper||this[0].paper;if(f){switch(this.type){case"text":case"circle":case"ellipse":h=!0;break;default:h=!1}g=f.path().attr({fill:"#000",stroke:"none"}),a=(+a+1?a:45)+90,i=Math.min(d.height,d.width),b="number"==typeof b?b:h?d.x+d.width/2:d.x,c="number"==typeof c?c:h?d.y+d.height/2:d.y;var j=Math.max(d.width+i,25*i/12),k=Math.max(d.height+i,25*i/12),l=b+i*Math.sin((a-22.5)*e),m=c+i*Math.cos((a-22.5)*e),n=b+i*Math.sin((a+22.5)*e),o=c+i*Math.cos((a+22.5)*e),p=(n-l)/2,q=(o-m)/2,r=j/2,s=k/2,t=-Math.sqrt(Math.abs(r*r*s*s-r*r*q*q-s*s*p*p)/(r*r*q*q+s*s*p*p)),u=t*r*q/s+(n+l)/2,v=t*-s*p/r+(o+m)/2;return g.attr({x:u,y:v,path:["M",b,c,"L",n,o,"A",r,s,0,1,1,l,m,"z"].join(",")}),this.translate(u-d.x-d.width/2,v-d.y-d.height/2),g.insertBefore(this.node?this:this[0])}},Raphael.fn.label=function(a,b,c){var d=this.set();return c=this.text(a,b,c).attr(Raphael.g.txtattr),d.push(c.label(),c)},Raphael.fn.popup=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f=this.set();return c=this.text(a,b,c).attr(Raphael.g.txtattr),f.push(c.popup(d,e),c)},Raphael.fn.tag=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f=this.set();return c=this.text(a,b,c).attr(Raphael.g.txtattr),f.push(c.tag(d,e),c)},Raphael.fn.flag=function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.set();return c=this.text(a,b,c).attr(Raphael.g.txtattr),e.push(c.flag(d),c)},Raphael.fn.drop=function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.set();return c=this.text(a,b,c).attr(Raphael.g.txtattr),e.push(c.drop(d),c)},Raphael.fn.blob=function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.set();return c=this.text(a,b,c).attr(Raphael.g.txtattr),e.push(c.blob(d),c)},Raphael.el.lighter=function(a){a=a||2;var b=[this.attrs.fill,this.attrs.stroke];return this.fs=this.fs||[b[0],b[1]],b[0]=Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(b[0]).hex),b[1]=Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(b[1]).hex),b[0].b=Math.min(b[0].b*a,1),b[0].s=b[0].s/a,b[1].b=Math.min(b[1].b*a,1),b[1].s=b[1].s/a,this.attr({fill:"hsb("+[b[0].h,b[0].s,b[0].b]+")",stroke:"hsb("+[b[1].h,b[1].s,b[1].b]+")"}),this},Raphael.el.darker=function(a){a=a||2;var b=[this.attrs.fill,this.attrs.stroke];return this.fs=this.fs||[b[0],b[1]],b[0]=Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(b[0]).hex),b[1]=Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(b[1]).hex),b[0].s=Math.min(b[0].s*a,1),b[0].b=b[0].b/a,b[1].s=Math.min(b[1].s*a,1),b[1].b=b[1].b/a,this.attr({fill:"hsb("+[b[0].h,b[0].s,b[0].b]+")",stroke:"hsb("+[b[1].h,b[1].s,b[1].b]+")"}),this},Raphael.el.resetBrightness=function(){return this.fs&&(this.attr({fill:this.fs[0],stroke:this.fs[1]}),delete this.fs),this},function(){var a=["lighter","darker","resetBrightness"],b=["popup","tag","flag","label","drop","blob"];for(var c in b)(function(a){[a]=function(){return Raphael.el[a].apply(this,arguments)}})(b[c]);for(var c in a)(function(a){[a]=function(){for(var b=0;this.length>b;b++)this[b][a].apply(this[b],arguments);return this}})(a[c])}(),Raphael.g={shim:{stroke:"none",fill:"#000","fill-opacity":0},txtattr:{font:"12px Arial, sans-serif",fill:"#fff"},colors:function(){for(var a=[.6,.2,.05,.1333,.75,0],b=[],c=0;10>c;c++)a.length>c?b.push("hsb("+a[c]+",.75, .75)"):b.push("hsb("+a[c-a.length]+", 1, .5)");return b}(),snapEnds:function(a,b,c){function f(a){return.25>Math.abs(a-.5)?~~a+.5:Math.round(a)}var d=a,e=b;if(d==e)return{from:d,to:e,power:0};var g=(e-d)/c,h=~~g,i=h,j=0;if(h){for(;i;)j--,i=~~(g*Math.pow(10,j))/Math.pow(10,j);j++}else{if(0!=g&&isFinite(g))for(;!h;)j=j||1,h=~~(g*Math.pow(10,j))/Math.pow(10,j),j++;else j=1;j&&j--}return e=f(b*Math.pow(10,j))/Math.pow(10,j),b>e&&(e=f((b+.5)*Math.pow(10,j))/Math.pow(10,j)),d=f((a-(j>0?0:.5))*Math.pow(10,j))/Math.pow(10,j),{from:d,to:e,power:j}},axis:function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k){j=null==j?2:j,i=i||"t",f=f||10,k=arguments[arguments.length-1];var t,l="|"==i||" "==i?["M",a+.5,b,"l",0,.001]:1==g||3==g?["M",a+.5,b,"l",0,-c]:["M",a,b+.5,"l",c,0],m=this.snapEnds(d,e,f),n=m.from,,p=m.power,q=0,r={font:"11px 'Fontin Sans', Fontin-Sans, sans-serif"},s=k.set();t=(o-n)/f;var u=n,v=p>0?p:0;if(z=c/f,1==+g||3==+g){for(var w=b,x=(g-1?1:-1)*(j+3+!!(g-1));w>=b-c;)"-"!=i&&" "!=i&&(l=l.concat(["M",a-("+"==i||"|"==i?j:2*!(g-1)*j),w+.5,"l",2*j+1,0])),s.push(k.text(a+x,w,h&&h[q++]||(Math.round(u)==u?u:+u.toFixed(v))).attr(r).attr({"text-anchor":g-1?"start":"end"})),u+=t,w-=z;Math.round(w+z-(b-c))&&("-"!=i&&" "!=i&&(l=l.concat(["M",a-("+"==i||"|"==i?j:2*!(g-1)*j),b-c+.5,"l",2*j+1,0])),s.push(k.text(a+x,b-c,h&&h[q]||(Math.round(u)==u?u:+u.toFixed(v))).attr(r).attr({"text-anchor":g-1?"start":"end"})))}else{u=n,v=(p>0)*p,x=(g?-1:1)*(j+9+!g);for(var y=a,z=c/f,A=0,B=0;a+c>=y;){"-"!=i&&" "!=i&&(l=l.concat(["M",y+.5,b-("+"==i?j:2*!!g*j),"l",0,2*j+1])),s.push(A=k.text(y,b+x,h&&h[q++]||(Math.round(u)==u?u:+u.toFixed(v))).attr(r));var C=A.getBBox();B>=C.x-5?s.pop(s.length-1).remove():B=C.x+C.width,u+=t,y+=z}Math.round(y-z-a-c)&&("-"!=i&&" "!=i&&(l=l.concat(["M",a+c+.5,b-("+"==i?j:2*!!g*j),"l",0,2*j+1])),s.push(k.text(a+c,b+x,h&&h[q]||(Math.round(u)==u?u:+u.toFixed(v))).attr(r)))}var D=k.path(l);return D.text=s,D.all=k.set([D,s]),D.remove=function(){this.text.remove(),},D},labelise:function(a,b,c){return a?(a+"").replace(/(##+(?:\.#+)?)|(%%+(?:\.%+)?)/g,function(a,d,e){return d?(+b).toFixed(d.replace(/^#+\.?/g,"").length):e?(100*b/c).toFixed(e.replace(/^%+\.?/g,"").length)+"%":void 0}):(+b).toFixed(0)}};
\ No newline at end of file
* g.Raphael 0.51 - Charting library, based on Raphaël
* Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Dmitry Baranovskiy (
* Licensed under the MIT ( license.
* Tooltips on Element prototype
* Element.popup
[ method ]
* Puts the context Element in a 'popup' tooltip. Can also be used on sets.
> Parameters
- dir (string) location of Element relative to the tail: `'down'`, `'left'`, `'up'` [default], or `'right'`.
- size (number) amount of bevel/padding around the Element, as well as half the width and height of the tail [default: `5`]
- x (number) x coordinate of the popup's tail [default: Element's `x` or `cx`]
- y (number) y coordinate of the popup's tail [default: Element's `y` or `cy`]
= (object) path element of the popup
Raphael.el.popup = function (dir, size, x, y) {
var paper = this.paper || this[0].paper,
bb, xy, center, cw, ch;
if (!paper) return;
switch (this.type) {
case 'text':
case 'circle':
case 'ellipse': center = true; break;
default: center = false;
dir = dir == null ? 'up' : dir;
size = size || 5;
bb = this.getBBox();
x = typeof x == 'number' ? x : (center ? bb.x + bb.width / 2 : bb.x);
y = typeof y == 'number' ? y : (center ? bb.y + bb.height / 2 : bb.y);
cw = Math.max(bb.width / 2 - size, 0);
ch = Math.max(bb.height / 2 - size, 0);
this.translate(x - bb.x - (center ? bb.width / 2 : 0), y - bb.y - (center ? bb.height / 2 : 0));
bb = this.getBBox();
var paths = {
up: [
'M', x, y,
'l', -size, -size, -cw, 0,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, -size,
'l', 0, -bb.height,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, -size,
'l', size * 2 + cw * 2, 0,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, size,
'l', 0, bb.height,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, size,
'l', -cw, 0,
down: [
'M', x, y,
'l', size, size, cw, 0,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, size,
'l', 0, bb.height,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, size,
'l', -(size * 2 + cw * 2), 0,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, -size,
'l', 0, -bb.height,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, -size,
'l', cw, 0,
left: [
'M', x, y,
'l', -size, size, 0, ch,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, size,
'l', -bb.width, 0,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, -size,
'l', 0, -(size * 2 + ch * 2),
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, -size,
'l', bb.width, 0,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, size,
'l', 0, ch,
right: [
'M', x, y,
'l', size, -size, 0, -ch,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, -size,
'l', bb.width, 0,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, size,
'l', 0, size * 2 + ch * 2,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, size,
'l', -bb.width, 0,
'a', size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, -size,
'l', 0, -ch,
xy = {
up: { x: -!center * (bb.width / 2), y: -size * 2 - (center ? bb.height / 2 : bb.height) },
down: { x: -!center * (bb.width / 2), y: size * 2 + (center ? bb.height / 2 : bb.height) },
left: { x: -size * 2 - (center ? bb.width / 2 : bb.width), y: -!center * (bb.height / 2) },
right: { x: size * 2 + (center ? bb.width / 2 : bb.width), y: -!center * (bb.height / 2) }
this.translate(xy.x, xy.y);
return paper.path(paths[dir]).attr({ fill: "#000", stroke: "none" }).insertBefore(this.node ? this : this[0]);
* Element.tag
[ method ]
* Puts the context Element in a 'tag' tooltip. Can also be used on sets.
> Parameters
- angle (number) angle of orientation in degrees [default: `0`]
- r (number) radius of the loop [default: `5`]
- x (number) x coordinate of the center of the tag loop [default: Element's `x` or `cx`]
- y (number) y coordinate of the center of the tag loop [default: Element's `x` or `cx`]
= (object) path element of the tag
Raphael.el.tag = function (angle, r, x, y) {
var d = 3,
paper = this.paper || this[0].paper;
if (!paper) return;
var p = paper.path().attr({ fill: '#000', stroke: '#000' }),
bb = this.getBBox(),
dx, R, center, tmp;
switch (this.type) {
case 'text':
case 'circle':
case 'ellipse': center = true; break;
default: center = false;
angle = angle || 0;
x = typeof x == 'number' ? x : (center ? bb.x + bb.width / 2 : bb.x);
y = typeof y == 'number' ? y : (center ? bb.y + bb.height / 2 : bb.y);
r = r == null ? 5 : r;
R = .5522 * r;
if (bb.height >= r * 2) {
path: [
"M", x, y + r,
"a", r, r, 0, 1, 1, 0, -r * 2, r, r, 0, 1, 1, 0, r * 2,
"m", 0, -r * 2 -d,
"a", r + d, r + d, 0, 1, 0, 0, (r + d) * 2,
"L", x + r + d, y + bb.height / 2 + d,
"l", bb.width + 2 * d, 0, 0, -bb.height - 2 * d, -bb.width - 2 * d, 0,
"L", x, y - r - d
} else {
dx = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r + d, 2) - Math.pow(bb.height / 2 + d, 2));
path: [
"M", x, y + r,
"c", -R, 0, -r, R - r, -r, -r, 0, -R, r - R, -r, r, -r, R, 0, r, r - R, r, r, 0, R, R - r, r, -r, r,
"M", x + dx, y - bb.height / 2 - d,
"a", r + d, r + d, 0, 1, 0, 0, bb.height + 2 * d,
"l", r + d - dx + bb.width + 2 * d, 0, 0, -bb.height - 2 * d,
"L", x + dx, y - bb.height / 2 - d
angle = 360 - angle;
p.rotate(angle, x, y);
if (this.attrs) {
this.attr(this.attrs.x ? 'x' : 'cx', x + r + d + (!center ? this.type == 'text' ? bb.width : 0 : bb.width / 2)).attr('y', center ? y : y - bb.height / 2);
this.rotate(angle, x, y);
angle > 90 && angle < 270 && this.attr(this.attrs.x ? 'x' : 'cx', x - r - d - (!center ? bb.width : bb.width / 2)).rotate(180, x, y);
} else {
if (angle > 90 && angle < 270) {
this.translate(x - bb.x - bb.width - r - d, y - bb.y - bb.height / 2);
this.rotate(angle - 180, bb.x + bb.width + r + d, bb.y + bb.height / 2);
} else {
this.translate(x - bb.x + r + d, y - bb.y - bb.height / 2);
this.rotate(angle, bb.x - r - d, bb.y + bb.height / 2);
return p.insertBefore(this.node ? this : this[0]);
* Element.drop
[ method ]
* Puts the context Element in a 'drop' tooltip. Can also be used on sets.
> Parameters
- angle (number) angle of orientation in degrees [default: `0`]
- x (number) x coordinate of the drop's point [default: Element's `x` or `cx`]
- y (number) y coordinate of the drop's point [default: Element's `x` or `cx`]
= (object) path element of the drop
Raphael.el.drop = function (angle, x, y) {
var bb = this.getBBox(),
paper = this.paper || this[0].paper,
center, size, p, dx, dy;
if (!paper) return;
switch (this.type) {
case 'text':
case 'circle':
case 'ellipse': center = true; break;
default: center = false;
angle = angle || 0;
x = typeof x == 'number' ? x : (center ? bb.x + bb.width / 2 : bb.x);
y = typeof y == 'number' ? y : (center ? bb.y + bb.height / 2 : bb.y);
size = Math.max(bb.width, bb.height) + Math.min(bb.width, bb.height);
p = paper.path([
"M", x, y,
"l", size, 0,
"A", size * .4, size * .4, 0, 1, 0, x + size * .7, y - size * .7,
]).attr({fill: "#000", stroke: "none"}).rotate(22.5 - angle, x, y);
angle = (angle + 90) * Math.PI / 180;
dx = (x + size * Math.sin(angle)) - (center ? 0 : bb.width / 2);
dy = (y + size * Math.cos(angle)) - (center ? 0 : bb.height / 2);
this.attrs ?
this.attr(this.attrs.x ? 'x' : 'cx', dx).attr(this.attrs.y ? 'y' : 'cy', dy) :
this.translate(dx - bb.x, dy - bb.y);
return p.insertBefore(this.node ? this : this[0]);
* Element.flag
[ method ]
* Puts the context Element in a 'flag' tooltip. Can also be used on sets.
> Parameters
- angle (number) angle of orientation in degrees [default: `0`]
- x (number) x coordinate of the flag's point [default: Element's `x` or `cx`]
- y (number) y coordinate of the flag's point [default: Element's `x` or `cx`]
= (object) path element of the flag
Raphael.el.flag = function (angle, x, y) {
var d = 3,
paper = this.paper || this[0].paper;
if (!paper) return;
var p = paper.path().attr({ fill: '#000', stroke: '#000' }),
bb = this.getBBox(),
h = bb.height / 2,
switch (this.type) {
case 'text':
case 'circle':
case 'ellipse': center = true; break;
default: center = false;
angle = angle || 0;
x = typeof x == 'number' ? x : (center ? bb.x + bb.width / 2 : bb.x);
y = typeof y == 'number' ? y : (center ? bb.y + bb.height / 2: bb.y);
path: [
"M", x, y,
"l", h + d, -h - d, bb.width + 2 * d, 0, 0, bb.height + 2 * d, -bb.width - 2 * d, 0,
angle = 360 - angle;
p.rotate(angle, x, y);
if (this.attrs) {
this.attr(this.attrs.x ? 'x' : 'cx', x + h + d + (!center ? this.type == 'text' ? bb.width : 0 : bb.width / 2)).attr('y', center ? y : y - bb.height / 2);
this.rotate(angle, x, y);
angle > 90 && angle < 270 && this.attr(this.attrs.x ? 'x' : 'cx', x - h - d - (!center ? bb.width : bb.width / 2)).rotate(180, x, y);
} else {
if (angle > 90 && angle < 270) {
this.translate(x - bb.x - bb.width - h - d, y - bb.y - bb.height / 2);
this.rotate(angle - 180, bb.x + bb.width + h + d, bb.y + bb.height / 2);
} else {
this.translate(x - bb.x + h + d, y - bb.y - bb.height / 2);
this.rotate(angle, bb.x - h - d, bb.y + bb.height / 2);
return p.insertBefore(this.node ? this : this[0]);
* Element.label
[ method ]
* Puts the context Element in a 'label' tooltip. Can also be used on sets.
= (object) path element of the label.
Raphael.el.label = function () {
var bb = this.getBBox(),
paper = this.paper || this[0].paper,
r = Math.min(20, bb.width + 10, bb.height + 10) / 2;
if (!paper) return;
return paper.rect(bb.x - r / 2, bb.y - r / 2, bb.width + r, bb.height + r, r).attr({ stroke: 'none', fill: '#000' }).insertBefore(this.node ? this : this[0]);
* Element.blob
[ method ]
* Puts the context Element in a 'blob' tooltip. Can also be used on sets.
> Parameters
- angle (number) angle of orientation in degrees [default: `0`]
- x (number) x coordinate of the blob's tail [default: Element's `x` or `cx`]
- y (number) y coordinate of the blob's tail [default: Element's `x` or `cx`]
= (object) path element of the blob
Raphael.el.blob = function (angle, x, y) {
var bb = this.getBBox(),
rad = Math.PI / 180,
paper = this.paper || this[0].paper,
p, center, size;
if (!paper) return;
switch (this.type) {
case 'text':
case 'circle':
case 'ellipse': center = true; break;
default: center = false;
p = paper.path().attr({ fill: "#000", stroke: "none" });
angle = (+angle + 1 ? angle : 45) + 90;
size = Math.min(bb.height, bb.width);
x = typeof x == 'number' ? x : (center ? bb.x + bb.width / 2 : bb.x);
y = typeof y == 'number' ? y : (center ? bb.y + bb.height / 2 : bb.y);
var w = Math.max(bb.width + size, size * 25 / 12),
h = Math.max(bb.height + size, size * 25 / 12),
x2 = x + size * Math.sin((angle - 22.5) * rad),
y2 = y + size * Math.cos((angle - 22.5) * rad),
x1 = x + size * Math.sin((angle + 22.5) * rad),
y1 = y + size * Math.cos((angle + 22.5) * rad),
dx = (x1 - x2) / 2,
dy = (y1 - y2) / 2,
rx = w / 2,
ry = h / 2,
k = -Math.sqrt(Math.abs(rx * rx * ry * ry - rx * rx * dy * dy - ry * ry * dx * dx) / (rx * rx * dy * dy + ry * ry * dx * dx)),
cx = k * rx * dy / ry + (x1 + x2) / 2,
cy = k * -ry * dx / rx + (y1 + y2) / 2;
x: cx,
y: cy,
path: [
"M", x, y,
"L", x1, y1,
"A", rx, ry, 0, 1, 1, x2, y2,
this.translate(cx - bb.x - bb.width / 2, cy - bb.y - bb.height / 2);
return p.insertBefore(this.node ? this : this[0]);
* Tooltips on Paper prototype
* Paper.label
[ method ]
* Puts the given `text` into a 'label' tooltip. The text is given a default style according to @g.txtattr. See @Element.label
> Parameters
- x (number) x coordinate of the center of the label
- y (number) y coordinate of the center of the label
- text (string) text to place inside the label
= (object) set containing the label path and the text element
> Usage
| paper.label(50, 50, "$9.99");
Raphael.fn.label = function (x, y, text) {
var set = this.set();
text = this.text(x, y, text).attr(Raphael.g.txtattr);
return set.push(text.label(), text);
* Paper.popup
[ method ]
* Puts the given `text` into a 'popup' tooltip. The text is given a default style according to @g.txtattr. See @Element.popup
* Note: The `dir` parameter has changed from g.Raphael 0.4.1 to 0.5. The options `0`, `1`, `2`, and `3` has been changed to `'down'`, `'left'`, `'up'`, and `'right'` respectively.
> Parameters
- x (number) x coordinate of the popup's tail
- y (number) y coordinate of the popup's tail
- text (string) text to place inside the popup
- dir (string) location of the text relative to the tail: `'down'`, `'left'`, `'up'` [default], or `'right'`.
- size (number) amount of padding around the Element [default: `5`]
= (object) set containing the popup path and the text element
> Usage
| paper.popup(50, 50, "$9.99", 'down');
Raphael.fn.popup = function (x, y, text, dir, size) {
var set = this.set();
text = this.text(x, y, text).attr(Raphael.g.txtattr);
return set.push(text.popup(dir, size), text);
* Paper.tag
[ method ]
* Puts the given text into a 'tag' tooltip. The text is given a default style according to @g.txtattr. See @Element.tag
> Parameters
- x (number) x coordinate of the center of the tag loop
- y (number) y coordinate of the center of the tag loop
- text (string) text to place inside the tag
- angle (number) angle of orientation in degrees [default: `0`]
- r (number) radius of the loop [default: `5`]
= (object) set containing the tag path and the text element
> Usage
| paper.tag(50, 50, "$9.99", 60);
Raphael.fn.tag = function (x, y, text, angle, r) {
var set = this.set();
text = this.text(x, y, text).attr(Raphael.g.txtattr);
return set.push(text.tag(angle, r), text);
* Paper.flag
[ method ]
* Puts the given `text` into a 'flag' tooltip. The text is given a default style according to @g.txtattr. See @Element.flag
> Parameters
- x (number) x coordinate of the flag's point
- y (number) y coordinate of the flag's point
- text (string) text to place inside the flag
- angle (number) angle of orientation in degrees [default: `0`]
= (object) set containing the flag path and the text element
> Usage
| paper.flag(50, 50, "$9.99", 60);
Raphael.fn.flag = function (x, y, text, angle) {
var set = this.set();
text = this.text(x, y, text).attr(Raphael.g.txtattr);
return set.push(text.flag(angle), text);
* Paper.drop
[ method ]
* Puts the given text into a 'drop' tooltip. The text is given a default style according to @g.txtattr. See @Element.drop
> Parameters
- x (number) x coordinate of the drop's point
- y (number) y coordinate of the drop's point
- text (string) text to place inside the drop
- angle (number) angle of orientation in degrees [default: `0`]
= (object) set containing the drop path and the text element
> Usage
| paper.drop(50, 50, "$9.99", 60);
Raphael.fn.drop = function (x, y, text, angle) {
var set = this.set();
text = this.text(x, y, text).attr(Raphael.g.txtattr);
return set.push(text.drop(angle), text);
* Paper.blob
[ method ]
* Puts the given text into a 'blob' tooltip. The text is given a default style according to @g.txtattr. See @Element.blob
> Parameters
- x (number) x coordinate of the blob's tail
- y (number) y coordinate of the blob's tail
- text (string) text to place inside the blob
- angle (number) angle of orientation in degrees [default: `0`]
= (object) set containing the blob path and the text element
> Usage
| paper.blob(50, 50, "$9.99", 60);
Raphael.fn.blob = function (x, y, text, angle) {
var set = this.set();
text = this.text(x, y, text).attr(Raphael.g.txtattr);
return set.push(text.blob(angle), text);
* Brightness functions on the Element prototype
* Element.lighter
[ method ]
* Makes the context element lighter by increasing the brightness and reducing the saturation by a given factor. Can be called on Sets.
> Parameters
- times (number) adjustment factor [default: `2`]
= (object) Element
> Usage
|, 50, 20).attr({
| fill: "#ff0000",
| stroke: "#fff",
| "stroke-width": 2
| }).lighter(6);
Raphael.el.lighter = function (times) {
times = times || 2;
var fs = [this.attrs.fill, this.attrs.stroke];
this.fs = this.fs || [fs[0], fs[1]];
fs[0] = Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(fs[0]).hex);
fs[1] = Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(fs[1]).hex);
fs[0].b = Math.min(fs[0].b * times, 1);
fs[0].s = fs[0].s / times;
fs[1].b = Math.min(fs[1].b * times, 1);
fs[1].s = fs[1].s / times;
this.attr({fill: "hsb(" + [fs[0].h, fs[0].s, fs[0].b] + ")", stroke: "hsb(" + [fs[1].h, fs[1].s, fs[1].b] + ")"});
return this;
* Element.darker
[ method ]
* Makes the context element darker by decreasing the brightness and increasing the saturation by a given factor. Can be called on Sets.
> Parameters
- times (number) adjustment factor [default: `2`]
= (object) Element
> Usage
|, 50, 20).attr({
| fill: "#ff0000",
| stroke: "#fff",
| "stroke-width": 2
| }).darker(6);
Raphael.el.darker = function (times) {
times = times || 2;
var fs = [this.attrs.fill, this.attrs.stroke];
this.fs = this.fs || [fs[0], fs[1]];
fs[0] = Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(fs[0]).hex);
fs[1] = Raphael.rgb2hsb(Raphael.getRGB(fs[1]).hex);
fs[0].s = Math.min(fs[0].s * times, 1);
fs[0].b = fs[0].b / times;
fs[1].s = Math.min(fs[1].s * times, 1);
fs[1].b = fs[1].b / times;
this.attr({fill: "hsb(" + [fs[0].h, fs[0].s, fs[0].b] + ")", stroke: "hsb(" + [fs[1].h, fs[1].s, fs[1].b] + ")"});
return this;
* Element.resetBrightness
[ method ]
* Resets brightness and saturation levels to their original values. See @Element.lighter and @Element.darker. Can be called on Sets.
= (object) Element
> Usage
|, 50, 20).attr({
| fill: "#ff0000",
| stroke: "#fff",
| "stroke-width": 2
| }).lighter(6).resetBrightness();
Raphael.el.resetBrightness = function () {
if (this.fs) {
this.attr({ fill: this.fs[0], stroke: this.fs[1] });
delete this.fs;
return this;
//alias to set prototype
(function () {
var brightness = ['lighter', 'darker', 'resetBrightness'],
tooltips = ['popup', 'tag', 'flag', 'label', 'drop', 'blob'];
for (var f in tooltips) (function (name) {[name] = function () {
return Raphael.el[name].apply(this, arguments);
for (var f in brightness) (function (name) {[name] = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
this[i][name].apply(this[i], arguments);
return this;
//chart prototype for storing common functions
Raphael.g = {
* g.shim
[ object ]
* An attribute object that charts will set on all generated shims (shims being the invisible objects that mouse events are bound to)
> Default value
| { stroke: 'none', fill: '#000', 'fill-opacity': 0 }
shim: { stroke: 'none', fill: '#000', 'fill-opacity': 0 },
* g.txtattr
[ object ]
* An attribute object that charts and tooltips will set on any generated text
> Default value
| { font: '12px Arial, sans-serif', fill: '#fff' }
txtattr: { font: '12px Arial, sans-serif', fill: '#fff' },
* g.colors
[ array ]
* An array of color values that charts will iterate through when drawing chart data values.
colors: (function () {
var hues = [.6, .2, .05, .1333, .75, 0],
colors = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (i < hues.length) {
colors.push('hsb(' + hues[i] + ',.75, .75)');
} else {
colors.push('hsb(' + hues[i - hues.length] + ', 1, .5)');
return colors;
snapEnds: function(from, to, steps) {
var f = from,
t = to;
if (f == t) {
return {from: f, to: t, power: 0};
function round(a) {
return Math.abs(a - .5) < .25 ? ~~(a) + .5 : Math.round(a);
var d = (t - f) / steps,
r = ~~(d),
R = r,
i = 0;
if (r) {
while (R) {
R = ~~(d * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i);
i ++;
} else {
if(d == 0 || !isFinite(d)) {
i = 1;
} else {
while (!r) {
i = i || 1;
r = ~~(d * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i);
i && i--;
t = round(to * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i);
if (t < to) {
t = round((to + .5) * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i);
f = round((from - (i > 0 ? 0 : .5)) * Math.pow(10, i)) / Math.pow(10, i);
return { from: f, to: t, power: i };
axis: function (x, y, length, from, to, steps, orientation, labels, type, dashsize, paper) {
dashsize = dashsize == null ? 2 : dashsize;
type = type || "t";
steps = steps || 10;
paper = arguments[arguments.length-1] //paper is always last argument
var path = type == "|" || type == " " ? ["M", x + .5, y, "l", 0, .001] : orientation == 1 || orientation == 3 ? ["M", x + .5, y, "l", 0, -length] : ["M", x, y + .5, "l", length, 0],
ends = this.snapEnds(from, to, steps),
f = ends.from,
t =,
i = ends.power,
j = 0,
txtattr = { font: "11px 'Fontin Sans', Fontin-Sans, sans-serif" },
text = paper.set(),
d = (t - f) / steps;
var label = f,
rnd = i > 0 ? i : 0;
dx = length / steps;
if (+orientation == 1 || +orientation == 3) {
var Y = y,
addon = (orientation - 1 ? 1 : -1) * (dashsize + 3 + !!(orientation - 1));
while (Y >= y - length) {
type != "-" && type != " " && (path = path.concat(["M", x - (type == "+" || type == "|" ? dashsize : !(orientation - 1) * dashsize * 2), Y + .5, "l", dashsize * 2 + 1, 0]));
text.push(paper.text(x + addon, Y, (labels && labels[j++]) || (Math.round(label) == label ? label : +label.toFixed(rnd))).attr(txtattr).attr({ "text-anchor": orientation - 1 ? "start" : "end" }));
label += d;
Y -= dx;
if (Math.round(Y + dx - (y - length))) {
type != "-" && type != " " && (path = path.concat(["M", x - (type == "+" || type == "|" ? dashsize : !(orientation - 1) * dashsize * 2), y - length + .5, "l", dashsize * 2 + 1, 0]));
text.push(paper.text(x + addon, y - length, (labels && labels[j]) || (Math.round(label) == label ? label : +label.toFixed(rnd))).attr(txtattr).attr({ "text-anchor": orientation - 1 ? "start" : "end" }));
} else {
label = f;
rnd = (i > 0) * i;
addon = (orientation ? -1 : 1) * (dashsize + 9 + !orientation);
var X = x,
dx = length / steps,
txt = 0,
prev = 0;
while (X <= x + length) {
type != "-" && type != " " && (path = path.concat(["M", X + .5, y - (type == "+" ? dashsize : !!orientation * dashsize * 2), "l", 0, dashsize * 2 + 1]));
text.push(txt = paper.text(X, y + addon, (labels && labels[j++]) || (Math.round(label) == label ? label : +label.toFixed(rnd))).attr(txtattr));
var bb = txt.getBBox();
if (prev >= bb.x - 5) {
text.pop(text.length - 1).remove();
} else {
prev = bb.x + bb.width;
label += d;
X += dx;
if (Math.round(X - dx - x - length)) {
type != "-" && type != " " && (path = path.concat(["M", x + length + .5, y - (type == "+" ? dashsize : !!orientation * dashsize * 2), "l", 0, dashsize * 2 + 1]));
text.push(paper.text(x + length, y + addon, (labels && labels[j]) || (Math.round(label) == label ? label : +label.toFixed(rnd))).attr(txtattr));
var res = paper.path(path);
res.text = text;
res.all = paper.set([res, text]);
res.remove = function () {
return res;
labelise: function(label, val, total) {
if (label) {
return (label + "").replace(/(##+(?:\.#+)?)|(%%+(?:\.%+)?)/g, function (all, value, percent) {
if (value) {
return (+val).toFixed(value.replace(/^#+\.?/g, "").length);
if (percent) {
return (val * 100 / total).toFixed(percent.replace(/^%+\.?/g, "").length) + "%";
} else {
return (+val).toFixed(0);
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