BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 3008e995 by Filipa Lacerda

Fixes broken tests of quick_submit_spec and reduces tech debt

parent f67ff8e2
/* eslint-disable space-before-function-paren, no-var, no-return-assign, comma-dangle, jasmine/no-spec-dupes, new-cap, max-len */
import '~/behaviors/quick_submit'; import '~/behaviors/quick_submit';
(function() { describe('Quick Submit behavior', () => {
describe('Quick Submit behavior', function() { const keydownEvent = (options = { keyCode: 13, metaKey: true }) => $.Event('keydown', options);
var keydownEvent;
beforeEach(function() {
$('form').submit(function(e) {
// Prevent a form submit from moving us off the testing page
return e.preventDefault();
this.spies = {
submit: spyOnEvent('form', 'submit')
this.textarea = $('.js-quick-submit textarea').first(); preloadFixtures('merge_requests/merge_request_with_task_list.html.raw');
it('does not respond to other keyCodes', function() {
keyCode: 32
return expect(this.spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered();
it('does not respond to Enter alone', function() {
ctrlKey: false,
metaKey: false
return expect(this.spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered();
it('does not respond to repeated events', function() {
repeat: true
return expect(this.spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered();
it('disables input of type submit', function() {
const submitButton = $('.js-quick-submit input[type=submit]');
expect(submitButton).toBeDisabled(); beforeEach(() => {
$('form').submit((e) => {
// Prevent a form submit from moving us off the testing page
}); });
it('disables button of type submit', function() { this.spies = {
const submitButton = $('.js-quick-submit input[type=submit]'); submit: spyOnEvent('form', 'submit'),
this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent()); };
expect(submitButton).toBeDisabled(); this.textarea = $('.js-quick-submit textarea').first();
}); });
it('only clicks one submit', function() {
const existingSubmit = $('.js-quick-submit input[type=submit]');
// Add an extra submit button
const newSubmit = $('<button type="submit">Submit it</button>');
const oldClick = spyOnEvent(existingSubmit, 'click'); it('does not respond to other keyCodes', () => {
const newClick = spyOnEvent(newSubmit, 'click'); this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({
keyCode: 32,
this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent()); it('does not respond to Enter alone', () => {
ctrlKey: false,
metaKey: false,
expect(oldClick).not.toHaveBeenTriggered(); it('does not respond to repeated events', () => {
expect(newClick).toHaveBeenTriggered(); this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({
}); repeat: true,
// We cannot stub `navigator.userAgent` for CI's `rake karma` task, so we'll }));
// only run the tests that apply to the current platform expect(this.spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered();
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Macintosh/)) { });
it('responds to Meta+Enter', function() {
this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent()); it('disables input of type submit', () => {
return expect(this.spies.submit).toHaveBeenTriggered(); const submitButton = $('.js-quick-submit input[type=submit]');
}); this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent());
it('excludes other modifier keys', function() {
this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({ expect(submitButton).toBeDisabled();
altKey: true });
})); it('disables button of type submit', () => {
this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({ const submitButton = $('.js-quick-submit input[type=submit]');
ctrlKey: true this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent());
this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({ expect(submitButton).toBeDisabled();
shiftKey: true });
})); it('only clicks one submit', () => {
return expect(this.spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered(); const existingSubmit = $('.js-quick-submit input[type=submit]');
}); // Add an extra submit button
} else { const newSubmit = $('<button type="submit">Submit it</button>');
it('responds to Ctrl+Enter', function() { newSubmit.insertAfter(this.textarea);
const oldClick = spyOnEvent(existingSubmit, 'click');
const newClick = spyOnEvent(newSubmit, 'click');
// We cannot stub `navigator.userAgent` for CI's `rake karma` task, so we'll
// only run the tests that apply to the current platform
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Macintosh/)) {
describe('In Macintosh', () => {
it('responds to Meta+Enter', () => {
this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent()); this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent());
return expect(this.spies.submit).toHaveBeenTriggered(); return expect(this.spies.submit).toHaveBeenTriggered();
}); });
it('excludes other modifier keys', function() {
it('excludes other modifier keys', () => {
this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({ this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({
altKey: true altKey: true,
})); }));
this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({ this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({
metaKey: true ctrlKey: true,
})); }));
this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({ this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({
shiftKey: true shiftKey: true,
})); }));
return expect(this.spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered(); return expect(this.spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered();
}); });
} });
return keydownEvent = function(options) { } else {
var defaults; it('responds to Ctrl+Enter', () => {
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Macintosh/)) { this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent());
defaults = { return expect(this.spies.submit).toHaveBeenTriggered();
keyCode: 13, });
metaKey: true
}; it('excludes other modifier keys', () => {
} else { this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({
defaults = { altKey: true,
keyCode: 13, }));
ctrlKey: true this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({
}; metaKey: true,
} }));
return $.Event('keydown', $.extend({}, defaults, options)); this.textarea.trigger(keydownEvent({
}; shiftKey: true,
}); }));
}).call(window); return expect(this.spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered();
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