BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 2d7bc695 by Rydkin Maxim

adds tooltips into several places

parent aa4a9b9b
......@@ -121,4 +121,8 @@ module CiStatusHelper
status.respond_to?(:label) &&
def status_title(pipeline)
"This pipeline is redundant as a newer pipeline exists (canceled by ##{pipeline.auto_canceled_by_id} pipeline)" if pipeline.auto_canceled_by_id? && pipeline.canceled?
- status = local_assigns.fetch(:status)
- link = local_assigns.fetch(:link, true)
- css_classes = "ci-status ci-#{}"
- title = local_assigns.fetch(:title, nil)
- css_classes = "ci-status ci-#{} #{'has-tooltip' if title.present? }"
- if link && status.has_details?
= link_to status.details_path, class: css_classes do
= link_to status.details_path, class: css_classes, title: title do
= custom_icon(status.icon)
= status.text
- else
%span{ class: css_classes }
%span{ class: css_classes, title: title }
= custom_icon(status.icon)
= status.text
= render 'ci/status/badge', status: @build.detailed_status(current_user), link: false
= render 'ci/status/badge', status: @build.detailed_status(current_user), link: false, title: status_title(@build.pipeline)
%strong.js-build-id ##{}
in pipeline
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@{ class: ('retried' if retried) }
= render "ci/status/badge", status: build.detailed_status(current_user)
= render "ci/status/badge", status: build.detailed_status(current_user), title: status_title(build.pipeline)
- if can?(current_user, :read_build, build)
= render 'ci/status/badge', status: @pipeline.detailed_status(current_user)
= render 'ci/status/badge', status: @pipeline.detailed_status(current_user), title: status_title(@pipeline)
%strong Pipeline ##{}
triggered #{time_ago_with_tooltip(@pipeline.created_at)}
- if @pipeline.user
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