BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 1fc17a8a by Jack Davison

Switch to using to_sentence to construct tooltips

* Code in ruby now uses Array#to_sentence to construct award tooltips * Coffeescript uses a combination of regexes for the same result
parent 4fbbb8e7
(function() {
this.AwardsHandler = (function() {
const FROM_SENTENCE_REGEX = /(?:, and | and |, )/; //For separating lists produced by ruby's Array#toSentence
function AwardsHandler() {
this.aliases = gl.emojiAliases();
$(document).off('click', '.js-add-award').on('click', '.js-add-award', (function(_this) {
......@@ -204,14 +205,22 @@
return $awardBlock.attr('data-original-title') || $awardBlock.attr('data-title') || '';
AwardsHandler.prototype.toSentence = function(list) {
if(list.length <= 2){
return list.join(' and ');
return list.slice(0, -1).join(', ') + ', and ' + list[list.length - 1];
AwardsHandler.prototype.removeMeFromUserList = function($emojiButton, emoji) {
var authors, awardBlock, newAuthors, originalTitle;
awardBlock = $emojiButton;
originalTitle = this.getAwardTooltip(awardBlock);
authors = originalTitle.split(', ');
authors = originalTitle.split(FROM_SENTENCE_REGEX);
authors.splice(authors.indexOf('me'), 1);
newAuthors = authors.join(', ');
awardBlock.closest('.js-emoji-btn').removeData('original-title').attr('data-original-title', newAuthors);
awardBlock.closest('.js-emoji-btn').removeData('original-title').attr('data-original-title', this.toSentence(authors));
return this.resetTooltip(awardBlock);
......@@ -221,10 +230,10 @@
origTitle = this.getAwardTooltip(awardBlock);
users = [];
if (origTitle) {
users = origTitle.trim().split(', ');
users = origTitle.trim().split(FROM_SENTENCE_REGEX);
awardBlock.attr('title', users.join(', '));
awardBlock.attr('title', this.toSentence(users));
return this.resetTooltip(awardBlock);
......@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ module IssuesHelper
current_user_name = names.delete('me')
names = names.first(9).insert(0, current_user_name).compact
names << "and #{awards.size - names.size} more." if awards.size > names.size
names << "#{awards.size - names.size} more." if awards.size > names.size
names.join(', ')
def award_active_class(awards, current_user)
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ describe IssuesHelper do
let!(:awards) { build_list(:award_emoji, 15) }
it "returns a comma seperated list of 1-9 users" do
expect(award_user_list(awards.first(9), nil)).to eq(awards.first(9).map { |a| }.join(', '))
expect(award_user_list(awards.first(9), nil)).to eq(awards.first(9).map { |a| }.to_sentence)
it "displays the current user's name as 'me'" do
......@@ -144,28 +144,49 @@
describe('::addMeToUserList', function() {
return it('should prepend "me" to the award tooltip', function() {
it('should prepend "me" to the award tooltip', function() {
var $thumbsUpEmoji, $votesBlock, awardUrl;
awardUrl = awardsHandler.getAwardUrl();
$votesBlock = $('.js-awards-block').eq(0);
$thumbsUpEmoji = $votesBlock.find('[data-emoji=thumbsup]').parent();
$thumbsUpEmoji.attr('data-title', 'sam, jerry, max, andy');
$thumbsUpEmoji.attr('data-title', 'sam, jerry, max, and andy');
awardsHandler.addAward($votesBlock, awardUrl, 'thumbsup', false);
return expect($"original-title")).toBe('me, sam, jerry, max, andy');
return expect($"original-title")).toBe('me, sam, jerry, max, and andy');
return it('handles the special case where "me" is not cleanly comma seperated', function() {
var $thumbsUpEmoji, $votesBlock, awardUrl;
awardUrl = awardsHandler.getAwardUrl();
$votesBlock = $('.js-awards-block').eq(0);
$thumbsUpEmoji = $votesBlock.find('[data-emoji=thumbsup]').parent();
$thumbsUpEmoji.attr('data-title', 'sam');
awardsHandler.addAward($votesBlock, awardUrl, 'thumbsup', false);
return expect($"original-title")).toBe('me and sam');
describe('::removeMeToUserList', function() {
return it('removes "me" from the front of the tooltip', function() {
it('removes "me" from the front of the tooltip', function() {
var $thumbsUpEmoji, $votesBlock, awardUrl;
awardUrl = awardsHandler.getAwardUrl();
$votesBlock = $('.js-awards-block').eq(0);
$thumbsUpEmoji = $votesBlock.find('[data-emoji=thumbsup]').parent();
$thumbsUpEmoji.attr('data-title', 'me, sam, jerry, max, and andy');
awardsHandler.addAward($votesBlock, awardUrl, 'thumbsup', false);
return expect($"original-title")).toBe('sam, jerry, max, and andy');
return it('handles the special case where "me" is not cleanly comma seperated', function() {
var $thumbsUpEmoji, $votesBlock, awardUrl;
awardUrl = awardsHandler.getAwardUrl();
$votesBlock = $('.js-awards-block').eq(0);
$thumbsUpEmoji = $votesBlock.find('[data-emoji=thumbsup]').parent();
$thumbsUpEmoji.attr('data-title', 'me, sam, jerry, max, andy');
$thumbsUpEmoji.attr('data-title', 'me and sam');
awardsHandler.addAward($votesBlock, awardUrl, 'thumbsup', false);
return expect($"original-title")).toBe('sam, jerry, max, andy');
return expect($"original-title")).toBe('sam');
describe('search', function() {
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