BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 1bf57b75 by Kamil Trzciński

Merge branch '19907-deploy' into 'master'

Resolve "Pipelines view has manual actions" ## What does this MR do? Removes the deploy button from pipelines ## Why was this MR needed? The button didn't do anything ## What are the relevant issue numbers? Closes #19907 ## Screenshots (if relevant) <img src="/uploads/9488cf238f67463f7dac8f9dbc34f7e1/Screen_Shot_2016-07-16_at_5.52.10_PM.png" width="300px"> See merge request !5299
parents 7a7ecbea e72fe97e
......@@ -129,6 +129,8 @@
.cancel-retry-btns {
vertical-align: middle;
.btn:not(:first-child) {
margin-left: 8px;
......@@ -58,16 +58,7 @@
- artifacts = { |b| b.artifacts? }
- if artifacts.present?
%a.dropdown-toggle.btn.btn-default{type: 'button', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown'}
= icon("play")
= link_to '#' do
= icon("play")
%span Deploy to production
.btn-group{type: 'button', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown'}
= icon("download")
......@@ -80,7 +71,7 @@
%span Download '#{}' artifacts
- if can?(current_user, :update_pipeline, @project)
- if pipeline.retryable?
= link_to retry_namespace_project_pipeline_path(@project.namespace, @project,, class: 'btn has-tooltip', title: "Retry", method: :post do
= icon("repeat")
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