BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 12d55ba6 by Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Provide links from Group issues, mr pages to corresponding Dashboard pages

parent 86584aa8
Issues Issues assigned to me
%small (assigned to you) %span.pull-right #{@issues.total_count} issues
%small.pull-right #{@issues.total_count} issues
Only issues from
%strong #{}
group are listed here. To see all issues you should visit #{link_to 'dashboard', issues_dashboard_path} page.
%hr %hr
.row .row
.span3 .span3
= render 'shared/filter', entity: 'issue' = render 'shared/filter', entity: 'issue'
Merge Requests Merge Requests
%small (authored by or assigned to you) %span.pull-right #{@merge_requests.total_count} merge requests
%small.pull-right #{@merge_requests.total_count} merge requests
Authored or assigned to you from
%strong #{}
group. To see all merge requests you should visit #{link_to 'dashboard', merge_requests_dashboard_path} page.
%hr %hr
.row .row
.span3 .span3
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