BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 0c8d7e84 by Rémy Coutable

Merge branch '32364-updating-slack-notification-not-working-by-api' into 'master'

Resolve "Updating Slack Notification not working by API" Closes #32364 et #22306 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!11435
parents 7fdb7762 e84fd5cc
title: Support new chat notifications parameters in Services API
merge_request: 11435
type: added
# Services API
>**Note:** This API requires an access token with Master or Owner permissions
## Asana
Asana - Teamwork without email
......@@ -16,8 +18,10 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/asana
- `api_key` (**required**) - User API token. User must have access to task, all comments will be attributed to this user.
- `restrict_to_branch` (optional) - Comma-separated list of branches which will be automatically inspected. Leave blank to include all branches.
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `api_key` | string | true | User API token. User must have access to task, all comments will be attributed to this user. |
| `restrict_to_branch` | string | false | Comma-separated list of branches which will be automatically inspected. Leave blank to include all branches. |
### Delete Asana service
......@@ -49,8 +53,10 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/assembla
- `token` (**required**)
- `subdomain` (optional)
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `token` | string | true | The authentication token
| `subdomain` | string | false | The subdomain setting |
### Delete Assembla service
......@@ -84,10 +90,12 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/bamboo
- `bamboo_url` (**required**) - Bamboo root URL like
- `build_key` (**required**) - Bamboo build plan key like KEY
- `username` (**required**) - A user with API access, if applicable
- `password` (**required**)
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `bamboo_url` | string | true | Bamboo root URL like |
| `build_key` | string | true | Bamboo build plan key like KEY |
| `username` | string | true | A user with API access, if applicable |
| `password` | string | true | Password of the user |
### Delete Atlassian Bamboo CI service
......@@ -105,6 +113,44 @@ Get Atlassian Bamboo CI service settings for a project.
GET /projects/:id/services/bamboo
## Bugzilla
Bugzilla Issue Tracker
### Create/Edit Buildkite service
Set Bugzilla service for a project.
PUT /projects/:id/services/bugzilla
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `new_issue_url` | string | true | New Issue url |
| `issues_url` | string | true | Issue url |
| `project_url` | string | true | Project url |
| `description` | string | false | Description |
| `title` | string | false | Title |
### Delete Bugzilla Service
Delete Bugzilla service for a project.
DELETE /projects/:id/services/bugzilla
### Get Bugzilla Service Settings
Get Bugzilla service settings for a project.
GET /projects/:id/services/bugzilla
## Buildkite
Continuous integration and deployments
......@@ -119,9 +165,11 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/buildkite
- `token` (**required**) - Buildkite project GitLab token
- `project_url` (**required**) -
- `enable_ssl_verification` (optional) - Enable SSL verification
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `token` | string | true | Buildkite project GitLab token |
| `project_url` | string | true | |
| `enable_ssl_verification` | boolean | false | Enable SSL verification |
### Delete Buildkite service
......@@ -153,9 +201,11 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/campfire
- `token` (**required**)
- `subdomain` (optional)
- `room` (optional)
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `token` | string | true | Campfire token |
| `subdomain` | string | false | Campfire subdomain |
| `room` | string | false | Campfire room |
### Delete Campfire service
......@@ -187,11 +237,13 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/custom-issue-tracker
- `new_issue_url` (**required**) - New Issue url
- `issues_url` (**required**) - Issue url
- `project_url` (**required**) - Project url
- `description` (optional) - Custom issue tracker
- `title` (optional) - Custom Issue Tracker
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `new_issue_url` | string | true | New Issue url
| `issues_url` | string | true | Issue url
| `project_url` | string | true | Project url
| `description` | string | false | Description
| `title` | string | false | Title
### Delete Custom Issue Tracker service
......@@ -223,9 +275,11 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/drone-ci
- `token` (**required**) - Drone CI project specific token
- `drone_url` (**required**) -
- `enable_ssl_verification` (optional) - Enable SSL verification
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `token` | string | true | Drone CI project specific token |
| `drone_url` | string | true | |
| `enable_ssl_verification` | boolean | false | Enable SSL verification |
### Delete Drone CI service
......@@ -257,9 +311,11 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/emails-on-push
- `recipients` (**required**) - Emails separated by whitespace
- `disable_diffs` (optional) - Disable code diffs
- `send_from_committer_email` (optional) - Send from committer
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `recipients` | string | true | Emails separated by whitespace |
| `disable_diffs` | boolean | false | Disable code diffs |
| `send_from_committer_email` | boolean | false | Send from committer |
### Delete Emails on push service
......@@ -291,7 +347,9 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/external-wiki
- `external_wiki_url` (**required**) - The URL of the external Wiki
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `external_wiki_url` | string | true | The URL of the external Wiki |
### Delete External Wiki service
......@@ -323,7 +381,9 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/flowdock
- `token` (**required**) - Flowdock Git source token
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `token` | string | true | Flowdock Git source token |
### Delete Flowdock service
......@@ -355,8 +415,10 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/gemnasium
- `api_key` (**required**) - Your personal API KEY on
- `token` (**required**) - The project's slug on
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `api_key` | string | true | Your personal API KEY on |
| `token` | string | true | The project's slug on |
### Delete Gemnasium service
......@@ -388,12 +450,14 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/hipchat
- `token` (**required**) - Room token
- `color` (optional)
- `notify` (optional)
- `room` (optional) - Room name or ID
- `api_version` (optional) - Leave blank for default (v2)
- `server` (optional) - Leave blank for default.
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `token` | string | true | Room token |
| `color` | string | false | The room color |
| `notify` | boolean | false | Enable notifications |
| `room` | string | false |Room name or ID |
| `api_version` | string | false | Leave blank for default (v2) |
| `server` | string | false | Leave blank for default. |
### Delete HipChat service
......@@ -427,11 +491,13 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/irker
- `recipients` (**required**) - Recipients/channels separated by whitespaces
- `default_irc_uri` (optional) - irc://
- `server_port` (optional) - 6659
- `server_host` (optional) - localhost
- `colorize_messages` (optional)
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `recipients` | string | true | Recipients/channels separated by whitespaces |
| `default_irc_uri` | string | false | irc:// |
| `server_host` | string | false | localhost |
| `server_port` | integer | false | 6659 |
| `colorize_messages` | boolean | false | Colorize messages |
### Delete Irker (IRC gateway) service
......@@ -474,7 +540,9 @@ Set JIRA service for a project.
PUT /projects/:id/services/jira
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `url` | string | yes | The URL to the JIRA project which is being linked to this GitLab project, e.g., ``. |
| `project_key` | string | yes | The short identifier for your JIRA project, all uppercase, e.g., `PROJ`. |
......@@ -569,7 +637,7 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/slack-slash-commands
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `token` | string | yes | The Slack token |
......@@ -604,7 +672,7 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/mattermost-slash-commands
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `token` | string | yes | The Mattermost token |
| `username` | string | no | The username to use to post the message |
......@@ -665,7 +733,7 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/pipelines-email
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `recipients` | string | yes | Comma-separated list of recipient email addresses |
| `add_pusher` | boolean | no | Add pusher to recipients list |
......@@ -701,8 +769,10 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/pivotaltracker
- `token` (**required**)
- `restrict_to_branch` (optional) - Comma-separated list of branches which will be automatically inspected. Leave blank to include all branches.
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `token` | string | true | The PivotalTracker token |
| `restrict_to_branch` | boolean | false | Comma-separated list of branches which will be automatically inspected. Leave blank to include all branches. |
### Delete PivotalTracker service
......@@ -720,6 +790,40 @@ Get PivotalTracker service settings for a project.
GET /projects/:id/services/pivotaltracker
## Prometheus
Prometheus is a powerful time-series monitoring service.
### Create/Edit Prometheus service
Set Prometheus service for a project.
PUT /projects/:id/services/prometheus
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `api_url` | string | true | Prometheus API Base URL, like |
### Delete Prometheus service
Delete Prometheus service for a project.
DELETE /projects/:id/services/prometheus
### Get Prometheus service settings
Get Prometheus service settings for a project.
GET /projects/:id/services/prometheus
## Pushover
Pushover makes it easy to get real-time notifications on your Android device, iPhone, iPad, and Desktop.
......@@ -734,11 +838,13 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/pushover
- `api_key` (**required**) - Your application key
- `user_key` (**required**) - Your user key
- `priority` (**required**)
- `device` (optional) - Leave blank for all active devices
- `sound` (optional)
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `api_key` | string | true | Your application key |
| `user_key` | string | true | Your user key |
| `priority` | string | true | The priority |
| `device` | string | false | Leave blank for all active devices |
| `sound` | string | false | The sound of the notification |
### Delete Pushover service
......@@ -770,10 +876,12 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/redmine
- `new_issue_url` (**required**) - New Issue url
- `project_url` (**required**) - Project url
- `issues_url` (**required**) - Issue url
- `description` (optional) - Redmine issue tracker
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `new_issue_url` | string | true | New Issue url |
| `project_url` | string | true | Project url |
| `issues_url` | string | true | Issue url |
| `description` | string | false | Description |
### Delete Redmine service
......@@ -803,11 +911,33 @@ Set Slack service for a project.
PUT /projects/:id/services/slack
>**Note:** Specific event parameters (e.g. `push_events` flag and `push_channel`) were [introduced in v10.4][11435]
- `webhook` (**required**) -
- `username` (optional) - username
- `channel` (optional) - #channel
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `webhook` | string | true | |
| `username` | string | false | username |
| `channel` | string | false | Default channel to use if others are not configured |
| `notify_only_broken_pipelines` | boolean | false | Send notifications for broken pipelines |
| `notify_only_default_branch` | boolean | false | Send notifications only for the default branch |
| `push_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for push events |
| `issues_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for issue events |
| `confidential_issues_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for confidential issue events |
| `merge_requests_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for merge request events |
| `tag_push_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for tag push events |
| `note_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for note events |
| `pipeline_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for pipeline events |
| `wiki_page_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for wiki page events |
| `push_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive push events notifications |
| `issue_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive issues events notifications |
| `confidential_issue_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive confidential issues events notifications |
| `merge_request_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive merge request events notifications |
| `note_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive note events notifications |
| `tag_push_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive tag push events notifications |
| `pipeline_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive pipeline events notifications |
| `wiki_page_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive wiki page events notifications |
### Delete Slack service
......@@ -825,6 +955,40 @@ Get Slack service settings for a project.
GET /projects/:id/services/slack
## Microsoft Teams
Group Chat Software
### Create/Edit Microsoft Teams service
Set Microsoft Teams service for a project.
PUT /projects/:id/services/microsoft_teams
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `webhook` | string | true | The Microsoft Teams webhook. e.g. |
### Delete Microsoft Teams service
Delete Microsoft Teams service for a project.
DELETE /projects/:id/services/microsoft_teams
### Get Microsoft Teams service settings
Get Microsoft Teams service settings for a project.
GET /projects/:id/services/microsoft_teams
## Mattermost notifications
Receive event notifications in Mattermost
......@@ -837,11 +1001,33 @@ Set Mattermost service for a project.
PUT /projects/:id/services/mattermost
>**Note:** Specific event parameters (e.g. `push_events` flag and `push_channel`) were [introduced in v10.4][11435]
- `webhook` (**required**) - https://mattermost.example/hooks/1298aff...
- `username` (optional) - username
- `channel` (optional) - #channel
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `webhook` | string | true | The Mattermost webhook. e.g. http://mattermost_host/hooks/... |
| `username` | string | false | username |
| `channel` | string | false | Default channel to use if others are not configured |
| `notify_only_broken_pipelines` | boolean | false | Send notifications for broken pipelines |
| `notify_only_default_branch` | boolean | false | Send notifications only for the default branch |
| `push_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for push events |
| `issues_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for issue events |
| `confidential_issues_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for confidential issue events |
| `merge_requests_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for merge request events |
| `tag_push_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for tag push events |
| `note_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for note events |
| `pipeline_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for pipeline events |
| `wiki_page_events` | boolean | false | Enable notifications for wiki page events |
| `push_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive push events notifications |
| `issue_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive issues events notifications |
| `confidential_issue_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive confidential issues events notifications |
| `merge_request_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive merge request events notifications |
| `note_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive note events notifications |
| `tag_push_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive tag push events notifications |
| `pipeline_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive pipeline events notifications |
| `wiki_page_channel` | string | false | The name of the channel to receive wiki page events notifications |
### Delete Mattermost notifications service
......@@ -875,10 +1061,12 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/teamcity
- `teamcity_url` (**required**) - TeamCity root URL like
- `build_type` (**required**) - Build configuration ID
- `username` (**required**) - A user with permissions to trigger a manual build
- `password` (**required**)
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `teamcity_url` | string | true | TeamCity root URL like |
| `build_type` | string | true | Build configuration ID |
| `username` | string | true | A user with permissions to trigger a manual build |
| `password` | string | true | The password of the user |
### Delete JetBrains TeamCity CI service
......@@ -916,7 +1104,9 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/mock-ci
- `mock_service_url` (**required**) - http://localhost:4004
| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `mock_service_url` | string | true | http://localhost:4004 |
### Delete MockCI service
......@@ -933,3 +1123,5 @@ Get MockCI service settings for a project.
GET /projects/:id/services/mock-ci
......@@ -708,8 +708,9 @@ module API
class ProjectService < Grape::Entity
expose :id, :title, :created_at, :updated_at, :active
expose :push_events, :issues_events, :merge_requests_events
expose :tag_push_events, :note_events, :pipeline_events
expose :push_events, :issues_events, :confidential_issues_events
expose :merge_requests_events, :tag_push_events, :note_events
expose :pipeline_events, :wiki_page_events
expose :job_events
# Expose serialized properties
expose :properties do |service, options|
module API
class Services < Grape::API
chat_notification_settings = [
required: true,
name: :webhook,
type: String,
desc: 'The chat webhook'
required: false,
name: :username,
type: String,
desc: 'The chat username'
required: false,
name: :channel,
type: String,
desc: 'The default chat channel'
chat_notification_flags = [
required: false,
name: :notify_only_broken_pipelines,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Send notifications for broken pipelines'
required: false,
name: :notify_only_default_branch,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Send notifications only for the default branch'
chat_notification_channels = [
required: false,
name: :push_channel,
type: String,
desc: 'The name of the channel to receive push_events notifications'
required: false,
name: :issue_channel,
type: String,
desc: 'The name of the channel to receive issues_events notifications'
required: false,
name: :confidential_issue_channel,
type: String,
desc: 'The name of the channel to receive confidential_issues_events notifications'
required: false,
name: :merge_request_channel,
type: String,
desc: 'The name of the channel to receive merge_requests_events notifications'
required: false,
name: :note_channel,
type: String,
desc: 'The name of the channel to receive note_events notifications'
required: false,
name: :tag_push_channel,
type: String,
desc: 'The name of the channel to receive tag_push_events notifications'
required: false,
name: :pipeline_channel,
type: String,
desc: 'The name of the channel to receive pipeline_events notifications'
required: false,
name: :wiki_page_channel,
type: String,
desc: 'The name of the channel to receive wiki_page_events notifications'
chat_notification_events = [
required: false,
name: :push_events,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Enable notifications for push_events'
required: false,
name: :issues_events,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Enable notifications for issues_events'
required: false,
name: :confidential_issues_events,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Enable notifications for confidential_issues_events'
required: false,
name: :merge_requests_events,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Enable notifications for merge_requests_events'
required: false,
name: :note_events,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Enable notifications for note_events'
required: false,
name: :tag_push_events,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Enable notifications for tag_push_events'
required: false,
name: :pipeline_events,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Enable notifications for pipeline_events'
required: false,
name: :wiki_page_events,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Enable notifications for wiki_page_events'
services = {
'asana' => [
......@@ -489,25 +627,11 @@ module API
'slack' => [
required: true,
name: :webhook,
type: String,
desc: 'The Slack webhook. e.g.'
required: false,
name: :new_issue_url,
type: String,
desc: 'The user name'
required: false,
name: :channel,
type: String,
desc: 'The channel name'
'microsoft-teams' => [
required: true,
......@@ -517,19 +641,11 @@ module API
'mattermost' => [
required: true,
name: :webhook,
type: String,
desc: 'The Mattermost webhook. e.g. http://mattermost_host/hooks/...'
required: false,
name: :username,
type: String,
desc: 'The username to use to post the message'
'teamcity' => [
required: true,
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