BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 0bf68c0c by Robert Speicher

Merge branch 'workhorse-path' into 'master'

Init script changes for gitlab-workhorse in 8.4 Goes with Also bumps gitlab-workhorse to 0.6.1. [ci skip] See merge request !2529
parents 597d3bbe 1c1590a5
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ which should already be on your system from GitLab 8.1.
cd /home/git/gitlab-workhorse
sudo -u git -H git fetch --all
sudo -u git -H git checkout 0.6.0
sudo -u git -H git checkout 0.6.1
sudo -u git -H make
......@@ -104,10 +104,7 @@ via [/etc/default/gitlab].
#### Init script
We updated the init script for GitLab in order to pass new
configuration options to gitlab-workhorse. We let gitlab-workhorse
connect to the Rails application via a Unix domain socket and we tell
it where the 'public' directory of GitLab is.
We updated the init script for GitLab in order to set a specific PATH for gitlab-workhorse.
cd /home/git/gitlab
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ web_server_pid_path="$pid_path/"
gitlab_workhorse_dir=$(cd $app_root/../gitlab-workhorse && pwd)
gitlab_workhorse_options="-listenUmask 0 -listenNetwork unix -listenAddr $socket_path/gitlab-workhorse.socket -authBackend -authSocket $rails_socket -documentRoot $app_root/public"
......@@ -233,10 +234,12 @@ start_gitlab() {
if [ "$gitlab_workhorse_status" = "0" ]; then
echo "The gitlab-workhorse is already running with pid $spid, not restarting"
# No need to remove a socket, gitlab-workhorse does this itself
# No need to remove a socket, gitlab-workhorse does this itself.
# Because gitlab-workhorse has multiple executables we need to fix
# the PATH.
$app_root/bin/daemon_with_pidfile $gitlab_workhorse_pid_path \
$app_root/../gitlab-workhorse/gitlab-workhorse \
$gitlab_workhorse_options \
/usr/bin/env PATH=$gitlab_workhorse_dir:$PATH \
gitlab-workhorse $gitlab_workhorse_options \
>> $gitlab_workhorse_log 2>&1 &
......@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ web_server_pid_path="$pid_path/"
# The default is "$pid_path/"
# The directory where the gitlab-workhorse binaries are. Usually
# /home/git/gitlab-workhorse .
gitlab_workhorse_dir=$(cd $app_root/../gitlab-workhorse && pwd)
# The -listenXxx settings determine where gitlab-workhorse
# listens for connections from NGINX. To listen on localhost:8181, write
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