BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 02bfb0ff by Alfredo Sumaran

Style for resolve conflicts form

parent 17830296
......@@ -278,4 +278,8 @@ $colors: (
margin-left: 10px;
.resolve-conflicts-form {
padding-top: $gl-padding;
%textarea.form-control.js-commit-message{"v-model" => "conflictsData.commitMessage"}
%button{type: "button", class: "btn btn-success js-submit-button", "@click" => "commit()", ":disabled" => "!readyToCommit" }
%span {{commitButtonText}}
= link_to "Cancel", namespace_project_merge_request_path(@merge_request.project.namespace, @merge_request.project, @merge_request), class: "btn btn-cancel"
%label.col-sm-2.control-label{ "for" => "commit-message" }
Commit message
%textarea.form-control.js-commit-message#commit-message{ "v-model" => "conflictsData.commitMessage", "rows" => "5" }
%button{ type: "button", class: "btn btn-success js-submit-button", "@click" => "commit()", ":disabled" => "!readyToCommit" }
%span {{commitButtonText}}
= link_to "Cancel", namespace_project_merge_request_path(@merge_request.project.namespace, @merge_request.project, @merge_request), class: "btn btn-cancel"
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