BigW Consortium Gitlab

build.feature 1005 Bytes
Feature: Project Badges Build
    Given I sign in as a user
    And I own a project
    And project has CI enabled
    And project has a recent build

  Scenario: I want to see a badge for successfully built project
    Given recent build is successful
    When I display builds badge for a master branch
    Then I should see a build success badge

  Scenario: I want to see a badge for project with failed builds
    Given recent build failed
    When I display builds badge for a master branch
    Then I should see a build failed badge

  Scenario: I want to see a badge for project with running builds
    Given recent build is successful
    And project has another build that is running
    When I display builds badge for a master branch
    Then I should see a build running badge

  Scenario: I want to see a fresh badge on each request
    Given recent build is successful
    When I display builds badge for a master branch
    Then I should see a badge that has not been cached