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  • Douglas Barbosa Alexandre's avatar
    Relax constraints for wiki slug · aac65984
    Douglas Barbosa Alexandre authored
    Since GitHub doesn’t apply these constraints to theirs wiki slug
    allowing characters like `,`, `:`, `*`, etc, we need to relax our
    constraints or some wiki pages will not be available after they were
    For an example the Devise project have a wiki page with the following
    slug: “How To: Add sign_in, sign_out, and sign_up links to your layout
    Relax constraints for wiki slug
    Douglas Barbosa Alexandre authored
    Since GitHub doesn’t apply these constraints to theirs wiki slug
    allowing characters like `,`, `:`, `*`, etc, we need to relax our
    constraints or some wiki pages will not be available after they were
    For an example the Devise project have a wiki page with the following
    slug: “How To: Add sign_in, sign_out, and sign_up links to your layout