BigW Consortium Gitlab

render_mermaid.js 683 Bytes
// Renders diagrams and flowcharts from text using Mermaid in any element with the
// `js-render-mermaid` class.
// Example markup:
// <pre class="js-render-mermaid">
//  graph TD;
//    A-- > B;
//    A-- > C;
//    B-- > D;
//    C-- > D;
// </pre>

import Flash from './flash';

export default function renderMermaid($els) {
  if (!$els.length) return;

  import(/* webpackChunkName: 'mermaid' */ 'blackst0ne-mermaid').then((mermaid) => {
      loadOnStart: false,
      theme: 'neutral',

    $els.each((i, el) => {
      mermaid.init(undefined, el);
  }).catch((err) => {
    Flash(`Can't load mermaid module: ${err}`);