Merge branch 'master' into 22643-manual-job-page · a29a91f0Filipa Lacerda authored
* master: (200 commits) Fix issue boards scroll config. Added multi editor setting on the profile preferences page fix missing import of timeWeek which would cause errors in prometheus graphs with deployments Remove downcase from special path helper Rename db:seed_fu-{pg,mysql} to gitlab:setup-{pg,mysql} Fix error when viewing diffs without blobs Moves prettier to dev dependency Eager load event target authors whenever possible Do not run ee_compat_check on security branches Include integration tests in CE/EE testing documentation 41054-Disallow creation of new Kubernetes integrations Resolve "Resizable file list and commit panel" Make tooltip placement bottom by default as per design guidelines Fix groups list icon, timestamp alignment and row height Avoid leaving a push event empty if payload cannot be created Move git operations for UpdateRemoteMirrorService into Gitlab::Git Move delete_remote_branches from Gitlab::Shell to Gitlab::Git::Repository Move push_remote_branches from Gitlab::Shell to Gitlab::Git::Repository Update Kubernetes service documentation fix issue #37843 ...