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  • Adam Pahlevi's avatar
    dismiss sidebar on repo buttons click · e0a90063
    Adam Pahlevi authored
    make the selector more inclusive
    spec for dashboard’s sidebar visibility
    fix linting errors for project dashboard page
    remove unused var: shouldBeCollapsed
    use project with repo, so download button became available
    use es6 style for testing project dashboard
    un-aliased global reference at sidebar.js.es6
    fix spec from linting errors
    code improvement
    add singleton to `this`
    assign `singleton` to class
    add space in between
    remove `no-underscore-dangle`
    add complete changelog
    sidebar internal state test
    remove on page change, not exist in master. rebase.
    only nicescroll if the element is there
    new require style
    reference to sidebar content outside of timeout
    dismiss sidebar on repo buttons click
    Adam Pahlevi authored
    make the selector more inclusive
    spec for dashboard’s sidebar visibility
    fix linting errors for project dashboard page
    remove unused var: shouldBeCollapsed
    use project with repo, so download button became available
    use es6 style for testing project dashboard
    un-aliased global reference at sidebar.js.es6
    fix spec from linting errors
    code improvement
    add singleton to `this`
    assign `singleton` to class
    add space in between
    remove `no-underscore-dangle`
    add complete changelog
    sidebar internal state test
    remove on page change, not exist in master. rebase.
    only nicescroll if the element is there
    new require style
    reference to sidebar content outside of timeout