Regis authored
added semicolons remove users.js rename users to user in filename removed uneeded semi-colons and returning null in constructor class is wrapped - a lot of builds will fail formatting replaced 'new User' with 'new gl.User' in app/users/show.html.haml window.gl || window.gl = {} - seeing if rspec9/spinach6/spinach9 will pass putting window logic before IIFE Fixed typo in users show view - extracted jquery calls in constructor to prototype methods fixed window declaration in IIFE argument adding new line
7ed0acd4Regis authoredadded semicolons remove users.js rename users to user in filename removed uneeded semi-colons and returning null in constructor class is wrapped - a lot of builds will fail formatting replaced 'new User' with 'new gl.User' in app/users/show.html.haml window.gl || window.gl = {} - seeing if rspec9/spinach6/spinach9 will pass putting window logic before IIFE Fixed typo in users show view - extracted jquery calls in constructor to prototype methods fixed window declaration in IIFE argument adding new line