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  • Jan Provaznik's avatar
    Support additional LabelsFinder parameters for group labels · 911fd7c2
    Jan Provaznik authored
    In some situations (listing labels for epics) we want to
    list only group ancestor labels, this is already supported
    in LabelsFinder we just need to enable additional parameters.
    Also `set_issuables_index` method now loads project labels only if
    @project is set (which is not used for epic group labels).
    Support additional LabelsFinder parameters for group labels
    Jan Provaznik authored
    In some situations (listing labels for epics) we want to
    list only group ancestor labels, this is already supported
    in LabelsFinder we just need to enable additional parameters.
    Also `set_issuables_index` method now loads project labels only if
    @project is set (which is not used for epic group labels).