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  • Stan Hu's avatar
    Handle SSH keys that have multiple spaces between each marker · 54849afc
    Stan Hu authored
    Notice what happens when a user adds a key with a space in between:
    irb(main):004:0> 'ssh-rsa  foobar'.split(/ /)
    => ["ssh-rsa", "", "foobar"]
    This would cause gitlab-shell to receive a blank argument for the actual
    key, leading to users unable to login.
    Handle SSH keys that have multiple spaces between each marker
    Stan Hu authored
    Notice what happens when a user adds a key with a space in between:
    irb(main):004:0> 'ssh-rsa  foobar'.split(/ /)
    => ["ssh-rsa", "", "foobar"]
    This would cause gitlab-shell to receive a blank argument for the actual
    key, leading to users unable to login.