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  • Jacopo's avatar
    Improve text on todo list when the todo action comes from yourself · 60e9405b
    Jacopo authored
    Improved todo message when an issue is assigned to yourself.
    - The new message when an user assign to himself an issue or a mr is: "You
    assigned issue xx to yourself"
    - The new message when an user adds a todo to himself is: "You added a
    todo for issue xx"
    - The new message when and user mention himself is: "You mentioned
    yourself on issue xx"
    - The new message when an user directly address himself is: "You
    directly addressed yourself on issue xx"
    - The new message when an user mark himself as an approver is: "You set
    yourself as an approver for merge request xx"
    Improve text on todo list when the todo action comes from yourself
    Jacopo authored
    Improved todo message when an issue is assigned to yourself.
    - The new message when an user assign to himself an issue or a mr is: "You
    assigned issue xx to yourself"
    - The new message when an user adds a todo to himself is: "You added a
    todo for issue xx"
    - The new message when and user mention himself is: "You mentioned
    yourself on issue xx"
    - The new message when an user directly address himself is: "You
    directly addressed yourself on issue xx"
    - The new message when an user mark himself as an approver is: "You set
    yourself as an approver for merge request xx"