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  • Yorick Peterse's avatar
    Sort by ID when sorting using "Recently created" · 9dacc3bc
    Yorick Peterse authored
    Sorting by "id" has the same effect as sorting by created_at while
    performing far better and without the need of an extra index (in case
    one wanted to speed up sorting by "created_at").
    Sorting by "Recently updated" still uses the physical "updated_at"
    column as there's no way to use the "id" column for this instead.
    Sort by ID when sorting using "Recently created"
    Yorick Peterse authored
    Sorting by "id" has the same effect as sorting by created_at while
    performing far better and without the need of an extra index (in case
    one wanted to speed up sorting by "created_at").
    Sorting by "Recently updated" still uses the physical "updated_at"
    column as there's no way to use the "id" column for this instead.