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  • Kamil Trzciński's avatar
    Make the CI permission model simpler · 055afab5
    Kamil Trzciński authored
    This MR simplifies CI permission model:
    - read_build: allows to read a list of builds, artifacts and trace
    - update_build: allows to cancel and retry builds
    - create_build: allows to create builds from gitlab-ci.yml (not yet implemented)
    - admin_build: allows to manage triggers, runners and variables
    - read_commit_status: allows to read a list of commit statuses (including the overall of builds)
    - create_commit_status: allows to create a new commit status using API
    Remove all extra methods to manage permission.
    Made all controllers to use explicitly the new permissions.
    Make the CI permission model simpler
    Kamil Trzciński authored
    This MR simplifies CI permission model:
    - read_build: allows to read a list of builds, artifacts and trace
    - update_build: allows to cancel and retry builds
    - create_build: allows to create builds from gitlab-ci.yml (not yet implemented)
    - admin_build: allows to manage triggers, runners and variables
    - read_commit_status: allows to read a list of commit statuses (including the overall of builds)
    - create_commit_status: allows to create a new commit status using API
    Remove all extra methods to manage permission.
    Made all controllers to use explicitly the new permissions.