Feature: Project MilestoneBackground:Given I sign in as a userAnd I own project "Shop"And project "Shop" has labels:"bug","feature","enhancement"And project "Shop" has milestone "v2.2"And milestone has issue "Bugfix1" with labels:"bug","feature"And milestone has issue "Bugfix2" with labels:"bug","enhancement"@javascriptScenario: Listing issues from issues tabGiven I visit project "Shop" milestones pageAnd I click link "v2.2"Then I should see the labels "bug", "enhancement" and "feature"
@javascriptScenario: Listing labels from labels tabGiven I visit project "Shop" milestones pageAnd I click link "v2.2"And I click link "Labels"Then I should see the list of labelsAnd I should see the labels "bug", "enhancement" and "feature"