BigW Consortium Gitlab

render_math.js 1.48 KB
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/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, consistent-return, no-var, no-else-return, prefer-arrow-callback, max-len, no-console */
/* global katex */

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// Renders math using KaTeX in any element with the
// `js-render-math` class
// ### Example Markup
//   <code class="js-render-math"></div>
(function() {
  // Only load once
  var katexLoaded = false;

  // Loop over all math elements and render math
  var renderWithKaTeX = function (elements) {
    elements.each(function () {
      var mathNode = $('<span></span>');
      var $this = $(this);

      var display = $this.attr('data-math-style') === 'display';
      try {
        katex.render($this.text(), mathNode.get(0), { displayMode: display });
      } catch (err) {
        // What can we do??

  $.fn.renderMath = function() {
    var $this = this;
    if ($this.length === 0) return;

    if (katexLoaded) renderWithKaTeX($this);
    else {
      // Request CSS file so it is in the cache
      $.get(gon.katex_css_url, function() {
        var css = $('<link>',
          { rel: 'stylesheet',
            type: 'text/css',
            href: gon.katex_css_url,

        // Load KaTeX js
        $.getScript(gon.katex_js_url, function() {
          katexLoaded = true;
          renderWithKaTeX($this); // Run KaTeX