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monitoring_deployment_spec.js 4.13 KB
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import Vue from 'vue';
import MonitoringState from '~/monitoring/components/monitoring_deployment.vue';
import { deploymentData } from './mock_data';

const createComponent = (propsData) => {
  const Component = Vue.extend(MonitoringState);

  return new Component({

describe('MonitoringDeployment', () => {
  const reducedDeploymentData = [deploymentData[0]];
  reducedDeploymentData[0].ref = reducedDeploymentData[0];
  reducedDeploymentData[0].xPos = 10;
  reducedDeploymentData[0].time = new Date(reducedDeploymentData[0].created_at);
  describe('Methods', () => {
    it('refText shows the ref when a tag is available', () => {
      reducedDeploymentData[0].tag = '1.0';
      const component = createComponent({
        showDeployInfo: false,
        deploymentData: reducedDeploymentData,
        graphHeight: 300,
        graphHeightOffset: 120,


    it('refText shows the sha when no tag is available', () => {
      reducedDeploymentData[0].tag = null;
      const component = createComponent({
        showDeployInfo: false,
        deploymentData: reducedDeploymentData,
        graphHeight: 300,
        graphHeightOffset: 120,


    it('nameDeploymentClass creates a class with the prefix deploy-info-', () => {
      const component = createComponent({
        showDeployInfo: false,
        deploymentData: reducedDeploymentData,
        graphHeight: 300,
        graphHeightOffset: 120,


    it('transformDeploymentGroup translates an available deployment', () => {
      const component = createComponent({
        showDeployInfo: false,
        deploymentData: reducedDeploymentData,
        graphHeight: 300,
        graphHeightOffset: 120,

      ).toContain('translate(11, 20)');

    it('hides the deployment flag', () => {
      reducedDeploymentData[0].showDeploymentFlag = false;
      const component = createComponent({
        showDeployInfo: true,
        deploymentData: reducedDeploymentData,
        graphHeight: 300,
        graphHeightOffset: 120,


    it('shows the deployment flag', () => {
      reducedDeploymentData[0].showDeploymentFlag = true;
      const component = createComponent({
        showDeployInfo: true,
        deploymentData: reducedDeploymentData,
        graphHeight: 300,
        graphHeightOffset: 120,

      ).not.toEqual('display: none;');

    it('shows the refText inside a text element with the deploy-info-text class', () => {
      reducedDeploymentData[0].showDeploymentFlag = true;
      const component = createComponent({
        showDeployInfo: true,
        deploymentData: reducedDeploymentData,
        graphHeight: 300,
        graphHeightOffset: 120,


    it('should contain a hidden gradient', () => {
      const component = createComponent({
        showDeployInfo: true,
        deploymentData: reducedDeploymentData,
        graphHeight: 300,
        graphHeightOffset: 120,


    describe('Computed props', () => {
      it('calculatedHeight', () => {
        const component = createComponent({
          showDeployInfo: true,
          deploymentData: reducedDeploymentData,
          graphHeight: 300,
          graphHeightOffset: 120,
